FreeHEP Maven Repositories

FreeHEP contains three maven repositories where we publish artifacts, source code and javadoc. If you are using maven and want access to our published artifacts, you need to point your pom files to our repository (as well as to your own and

For Maven 1 use: or the following section in your

maven.repo.remote =,

For Maven 2 use: or the following section in your pom.xml:

    <name>Maven FreeHEP</name>

For Maven 2, if you are at SLAC you can also add: or the following section in your pom.xml:

    <name>Maven FreeHEP SLAC Only</name>

to be able to download 3rd party proprietary jar files, which cannot be published. Other users may need to follow the instructions given by maven to download these proprietary jar files and install them.

The FreeHEP pom files already contain references to the repositories mentioned above.