
FreeHEP 1.x was delivered as a number of large jar files. In FreeHEP 2.x we went the "Maven" way which allows for easy delivery of smaller jar files and their dependencies to Maven users. However, for non-maven users we still supply large jar files. Those jar files are created using the assembkly mechanism of Maven. All assemblies are in the repository under:

svn co svn://

The following library modules are available:

  • freehep-base containing all base modules
  • freehep-hep containing all hep modules
  • freehep-heprep-lib containing all heprep modules
  • freehep-vectorgraphics containing all vectorgraphics modules

Ther are also other distributions, such as:

  • jaida containing a full distribution of jaida.
  • aidajni containing freehep-aidajni, the aida-config executable and the setup scripts