To deploy an artifact to the freehep maven server you need to have write access to our nfs disk area. The maven protocol we use is scpexe, which can be mapped in your settings.xml file to any ssh capable copy program. Most of this information was found in: "Guide to deploying with an external SSH command".
On Linux/Unix, MacOS X and CYGWIN your settings file should look like this (scpexe by default maps to scp):
<settings> ... <servers> <server> <id>freehep-maven-deploy</id> <username>your-user-name</username> <filePermissions>664</filePermissions> <directoryPermissions>775</directoryPermissions> </server> <server> <id>freehep-maven1-deploy</id> <username>your-user-name</username> <filePermissions>664</filePermissions> <directoryPermissions>775</directoryPermissions> </server> <server> <id>freehep-web-deploy</id> <username>your-user-name</username> <filePermissions>664</filePermissions> <directoryPermissions>775</directoryPermissions> </server> </servers> ... </settings>
On Windows you need to install PuTTY from, and make sure plink and pscp is in yout PATH. Your settings file should look like this (we map ssh and scp to plink and pscp):
<settings> ... <servers> <server> <id>freehep-maven-deploy</id> <username>your-user-name</username> <filePermissions>664</filePermissions> <directoryPermissions>775</directoryPermissions> <configuration> <sshExecutable>plink</sshExecutable> <scpExecutable>pscp</scpExecutable> </configuration> </server> <server> <id>freehep-maven1-deploy</id> <username>your-user-name</username> <filePermissions>664</filePermissions> <directoryPermissions>775</directoryPermissions> <configuration> <sshExecutable>plink</sshExecutable> <scpExecutable>pscp</scpExecutable> </configuration> </server> <server> <id>freehep-web-deploy</id> <username>your-user-name</username> <filePermissions>664</filePermissions> <directoryPermissions>775</directoryPermissions> <configuration> <sshExecutable>plink</sshExecutable> <scpExecutable>pscp</scpExecutable> </configuration> </server> </servers> ... </settings>
To authenticate one should generate a pair of public/private keys (rsa1, rsa2 or dsa) on the machine.
You should make sure you have the necessary agents setup and autheticated at least once the node.
On Linux/Unix and CYGWIN you should run the ssh-agent and add your private key to it:
eval `ssh-agent` ssh-add your-private-key
On Windows you should run Pageant and add the key interactively. PuTTY will accept keys in .ppk format which can be converted from the other formats using the PuTTYgen program. NOTE: make sure your original format contains an end-of-line character after the final line, or PuTTYgen will complain that the file is unreadable.
On MacOS X you can run SSH KeyChain, which cooperates with Apple KeyChain and runs the ssh-agent and key administration for you.
You should be able to log into without typing a password, since maven will NOT ask for one.
You can then call:
mvn deploy
to deploy the artifact.
To deploy the artifact also on our maven 1 repository use:
mvn -DupdateReleaseInfo deploy
Using the same setup as described above you can call:
mvn site:deploy
to deploy the website of a project.
NOTE: on Windows the current maven-site-plugin (2.0-beta-5) has a problem using an external ssh command to deploy the site (bug MSITE-25). You need to deploy (and release) from a Unix machine for now.