FreeHEP API Version current |
Packages | |
hep.aida.dev | |
hep.aida.ext | |
hep.aida.hbook | JNI Adapter to create java AIDA Histograms using the HBOOK interface (frozen). |
hep.aida.jni | |
hep.aida.ref | Reference implementation of AIDA (see documentation). |
hep.aida.ref.dataSet | |
hep.aida.ref.dataSet.binner | |
hep.aida.ref.event | |
hep.aida.ref.fitter | |
hep.aida.ref.fitter.fitData | |
hep.aida.ref.fitter.fitMethod | |
hep.aida.ref.function | |
hep.aida.ref.hbook | |
hep.aida.ref.histogram | |
hep.aida.ref.histogram.binner | |
hep.aida.ref.optimizer | |
hep.aida.ref.optimizer.fmin | |
hep.aida.ref.optimizer.jminuit | |
hep.aida.ref.optimizer.minpack | |
hep.aida.ref.optimizer.minuit | |
hep.aida.ref.optimizer.uncmin | |
hep.aida.ref.pdf | |
hep.aida.ref.pdf.examples | |
hep.aida.ref.plotter | |
hep.aida.ref.plotter.adapter | |
hep.aida.ref.plotter.styleEditor | |
hep.aida.ref.remote | |
hep.aida.ref.remote.basic | |
hep.aida.ref.remote.basic.interfaces | |
hep.aida.ref.remote.corba | |
hep.aida.ref.remote.corba.converters | |
hep.aida.ref.remote.corba.generated | |
hep.aida.ref.remote.interfaces | |
hep.aida.ref.remote.rmi | |
hep.aida.ref.remote.rmi.client | |
hep.aida.ref.remote.rmi.converters | |
hep.aida.ref.remote.rmi.data | |
hep.aida.ref.remote.rmi.interfaces | |
hep.aida.ref.remote.rmi.server | |
hep.aida.ref.root | |
hep.aida.ref.tree | |
hep.aida.ref.tuple | |
hep.aida.ref.xml | |
hep.aida.util | |
hep.aida.util.comparison | |
hep.graphics.heprep.corba.idl | |
hep.graphics.heprep.corbavalue.idl | |
hep.graphics.j3d | HEP Java3D extensions (solids and utilities). |
hep.graphics.j3d.geant4 | HEP Java3D extensions (solids and utilities) for Geant4. |
hep.io.hbook | A low level facility for reading hbook/PAW files. |
hep.io.mcfio | An implementation of the Fermilab MCFIO package. |
hep.io.root | Classes for opening and reading a Root file. |
hep.io.root.classes | |
hep.io.root.core | |
hep.io.root.daemon | |
hep.io.root.interfaces | Public interfaces implemented by objects read from a Root file. |
hep.io.root.reps | |
hep.io.root.util | Some utilities for use with Root. |
hep.io.stdhep | A pure Java implementation of the stdhep event format. |
hep.io.stdhep.convert | A package which can be used to convert between StdhepEvents and the much more OO EventHeader event representation. |
hep.io.xdr | A pure Java implementation of the XDR format. |
hep.physics.event | |
hep.physics.event.generator | |
hep.physics.event.generator.diagnostic | |
hep.physics.filter | |
hep.physics.jet | |
hep.physics.particle | |
hep.physics.particle.properties | |
hep.physics.vec | |
hep.physics.yappi | YAPPI: Yet another Particle Property Interface (see documentation). |
hep.physics.yappi.io | HTML Writer for YaPPI. |
hep.physics.yappi.servlet | Servlet to make YaPPI available on the Web. |
hep.physics.yappi.util | Utilities for YaPPI. |
hep.tuple | |
hep.tuple.interfaces | |
org.freehep.application | Application Framework (see documentation). |
org.freehep.application.mdi | |
org.freehep.application.services | |
org.freehep.application.services.app | |
org.freehep.application.services.jnlp | |
org.freehep.application.studio | |
org.freehep.application.studio.pluginmanager | |
org.freehep.demo.graphics | Demo Application to show the export capabilities of the Graphics2D and GraphicsIO library of FreeHEP. |
org.freehep.demo.iconbrowser | Demo Application to browse and explore Icons. |
org.freehep.graphics2d | Base classes for VectorGraphics, useful to implement different output formats. |
org.freehep.graphics2d.font | Font encoding tables and lookup classes to query the tables. |
org.freehep.graphics3d | Interactive 3D graphics engine which can either use plain Java or OpenGL. |
org.freehep.graphicsio | I/O for different graphics in and output formats. |
org.freehep.graphicsio.cgm | CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) Output Format. |
org.freehep.graphicsio.emf | EMF, Enhanced Meta File, Input and Output Format. |
org.freehep.graphicsio.exportchooser | Export dialogs/choosers for GraphicsIO, allowing the user to pick a file and format. |
org.freehep.graphicsio.font | Utility classes for encoding, including and/or embedding fonts. |
org.freehep.graphicsio.font.encoding | Deprecated, use org.freehep.graphics2d.font |
org.freehep.graphicsio.font.truetype | Interface for TrueType Font information, using a Java Font class or read from a TrueType font file. |
org.freehep.graphicsio.gif | GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) Output Format. |
org.freehep.graphicsio.java | |
org.freehep.graphicsio.jpg | JPG (Joint Photographic Group) Output Format. |
org.freehep.graphicsio.latex | LaTeX Output Format. |
org.freehep.graphicsio.pdf | PDF (Portable Document File) Output Format. |
org.freehep.graphicsio.png | PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Output Format. |
org.freehep.graphicsio.ppm | PPM (Portable PixMap) Output Format. |
org.freehep.graphicsio.ps | PS, EPS (PostScript and Encapsulated PostScript) Output Format. |
org.freehep.graphicsio.raw | |
org.freehep.graphicsio.svg | SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) Output Format. |
org.freehep.graphicsio.swf | SWF (Macromedia Flash) Input and Output Format. |
org.freehep.j3d | General Java3D extensions (solids and utilities). |
org.freehep.j3d.plot | Lego plot, Surface plot and 3D Scatter Plot using Java 3D. |
org.freehep.postscript | Stand-Alone PostScript level 2 Interpreter, which can be used as pre-viewer in an application. |
org.freehep.preview | Package for previewing new classes. |
org.freehep.record.loop | |
org.freehep.record.loop.event |
This package contains event classes and corresponding listener interfaces
for events fired by the implementation of the
org.freehep.record.loop.examples |
This package contains examples on how the org.freehep.record.loop
package can be used.
org.freehep.record.source | |
org.freehep.swing | Extensions to swing which are not in Sun's swing package. |
org.freehep.swing.event | |
org.freehep.swing.graphics | Swing graphics extensions: extra panels with interaction managers. |
org.freehep.swing.images | Images/Icons for swing. |
org.freehep.swing.layout | Layout managers for swing. |
org.freehep.swing.plaf.metal | Swing extensions to the Metal Look and Feel. |
org.freehep.swing.popup | Utilities for dealing with Popup menus. |
org.freehep.swing.print.table | Utilities for printing tables |
org.freehep.swing.table | Utilities for dealing with Swing tables. |
org.freehep.swing.treetable | Utilities for dealing with Swing tables. |
org.freehep.swing.undo | |
org.freehep.swing.wizard | An implementation of a Wizard Dialog. |
org.freehep.tools | Generic Tools for use with or outside FreeHEP. |
org.freehep.tools.doclet | A modified Standard doclet (from JDK 1.4.2), which includes links to the source code in the generated documentation. |
org.freehep.tools.doclet.tags | Tags subpackage necessary for doclet. |
org.freehep.tools.servlet | Servlets intended primarily for use with the FreeHEP web site. |
org.freehep.util | Generic utility classes for FreeHEP. |
org.freehep.util.argv | |
org.freehep.util.commanddispatcher | Dispatcher of commands in a complex application. |
org.freehep.util.commandline | CommandLine parses a command line for parameters and options. |
org.freehep.util.export | |
org.freehep.util.images | Image handler to (pre-)load images and icons. |
org.freehep.util.io | Set of Streams, Readers, Writers, Encoders and Decoders. |
org.freehep.util.parameterdatabase | Parameter Database (in memory) to store and retrieve application wide values of different types. |
org.freehep.util.parameterdatabase.editor | Editors for the Parameter Database. |
org.freehep.util.parameterdatabase.selector | Selectors for the Parameter Database. |
org.freehep.util.parameterdatabase.types | Types for the Parameter Database. |
org.freehep.util.template | A simple template engine. |
org.freehep.xml.io | The XMLIO package is a set of interfaces and classes to save and restore objects using XML. |
org.freehep.xml.menus | Package for building menus in Java using XML setup files. |
org.freehep.xml.util | XML Utilities to add in reading and writing XML. |
The FreeHEP Java Library.
Note: Packages hep.* are targeted at High-Energy specific problems, while packages org.freehep.* are of more general interest.
See the status page for the status of each package and for the relationship between packages and jar files.
FreeHEP API Version current |