FreeHEP API Version current |
Interface Summary | |
ASCII85 | Constants for the ASCII85 encoding. |
EEXECConstants | Constants for the EEXEC encoding (used by Type1 Fonts). |
FinishableOutputStream | The FinishableOutputStream allows a generic way of calling finish on an output stream without closing it. |
LineNumberWriter.LineNumberListener | |
PromptListener | Listener to inform that Prompt of the PromptInputStream has been found. |
RouteListener | Listener to inform that a specific route of the RoutedInputStream has been found. |
RunLength | Constants for the RunLength encoding. |
TaggedOutput |
Class Summary | |
Action | Generic Action, to be used with the TagIn/OutputStreams. |
Action.Unknown | Used for not recognized actions. |
ActionHeader | Keeps the actionCode and Length of a specific action. |
ActionSet | Class to keep registered Actions, which should be used by the TaggedIn/OutputStream. |
ASCII85InputStream | The ASCII85InputStream decodes ASCII base-85 encoded data. |
ASCII85OutputStream | The ASCII85InputStream encodes binary data as ASCII base-85 encoding. |
ASCIIHexInputStream | The ASCIIHexOutputStream decodes ASCII Hexadecimal. |
ASCIIHexOutputStream | The ASCIIHexOutputStream encodes binary data as ASCII Hexadecimal. |
Base64InputStream | The Base64InputStream decodes binary data according to RFC 2045. |
Base64OutputStream | The Base64OutputStream encodes binary data according to RFC 2045. |
BitInputStream | Class to read bits from a Stream, allowing for byte synchronization. |
BitOutputStream | Class to write bits to a Stream, allowing for byte synchronization. |
ByteCountInputStream | The input buffer can be limited to less than the number of bytes of the underlying buffer. |
ByteCountOutputStream | Allows to write to some internal buffer and keep count of any set of stacked buffers written. |
ByteOrderInputStream | Class to read bytes and pairs of bytes in both little and big endian order. |
ByteOrderOutputStream | Class to write bytes and pairs of bytes in both little and big endian order. |
CompressableOutputStream | |
ConditionalInputStream | The ConditionalInputStream reads a stream and filters certain parts depending of properties and statements in the input. |
CountedByteOutputStream | The CountedByteOutputStream counts the number of bytes written. |
DCTInputStream | Reads images from a JPEG Stream, but only images. |
DecompressableInputStream | IMPORTANT: inherits from InputStream rather than FilterInputStream so that the correct read(byte[], int, int) method is used. |
DummyOutputStream | Equivalent to writing to /dev/nul |
EEXECDecryption | Decrypts using the EEXEC form (Used by Type 1 fonts). |
EEXECEncryption | Encrypts using the EEXEC form (Used by Type 1 fonts). |
FlateInputStream | The FlateInputStream uses the Deflate mechanism to compress data. |
FlateOutputStream | The FlateOutputStream uses the Deflate mechanism to compress data. |
IndentPrintWriter | A PrintWriter that keeps track of an indentation level and indents the output appropriately. |
LineNumberWriter | Counts line numbers, based on the first cr-lf, cr or lf it finds. |
LineNumberWriter.LineNumberEvent | |
NoCloseInputStream | The NoCloseInputStream ignores the close so that one can keep reading from the underlying stream. |
NoCloseOutputStream | The NoCloseOutputStream ignores the close so that one can keep writing to the underlying stream. |
NoCloseReader | The NoCloseReader ignores the close so that one can keep reading from the underlying stream. |
NoCloseWriter | The NoCloseWriter ignores the close so that one can keep writing to the underlying stream. |
PromptInputStream | The PromptInputStream reads from an inputstream until it reads any prompt for which a listener is added. |
ReaderInputStream | The ReaderInputStream makes a Reader look like an InputStream so one can use any of the filters. |
RoutedInputStream | The RoutedInputStream allows the user to add a listener for a certain delimited portion of the main inputstream. |
RunLengthInputStream | The RunLengthStream decodes Run Length encoding. |
RunLengthOutputStream | The RunLengthOutputStream encodes data as Run Length encoding. |
StandardFileFilter | Implements a standard file filter as is normally used in Unix and DOS. |
Tag | Generic Tag to be used by TaggedIn/OutputStreams. |
TaggedInputStream | Class to read Tagged blocks from a Stream. |
TaggedOutputStream | Class to write Tagged blocks to a Stream. |
TagHeader | Keeps the tagID and Length of a specific tag. |
TagSet | Class to keep registered Tags, which should be used by the TaggedIn/OutputStream. |
UndefinedTag | Tag to hold the data for an Undefined Tag for the TaggedIn/OutputStreams. |
UniquePrintStream | The UniquePrintStream keeps Strings buffered in sorted order, but any duplicates are removed. |
WriterOutputStream | The WriterOutputStream makes a Writer look like an OutputStream. |
XMLSequence | The XMLSequence allows parsing by an XML Parser of concatenated XML segments. |
Exception Summary | |
EncodingException | Encoding Exception for any of the encoding streams. |
IncompleteActionException | Exception for the TaggedInputStream. |
IncompleteTagException | Exception for the TaggedInputStream. |
UndefinedTagException | Exception for the TaggedOutputStream. |
Set of Streams, Readers, Writers, Encoders and Decoders.
@Status Stable.
FreeHEP API Version current |