Version current

Package org.freehep.graphicsio.emf

EMF, Enhanced Meta File, Input and Output Format.


Interface Summary
EMFConstants EMF Constants

Class Summary
AbortPath AbortPath TAG.
AlphaBlend PNG and JPG seem not to work.
AngleArc AngleArc TAG.
Arc Arc TAG.
ArcTo ArcTo TAG.
BeginPath BeginPath TAG.
BitBlt BitBlt TAG.
BitmapInfo EMF BitmapInfo
BitmapInfoHeader EMF BitmapInfoHeader
BlendFunction EMF BitmapInfoHeader
Chord Chord TAG.
CloseFigure CloseFigure TAG.
CreateBrushIndirect CreateBrushIndirect TAG.
CreatePen CreatePen TAG.
DeleteObject DeleteObject TAG.
Ellipse Ellipse TAG.
EMFDisplay A simple interpreter displaying an EMF file read in by the EMFInputStream in a JPanel
EMFExportFileType // FIXME, check all options
EMFGraphics2D Enhanced Metafile Format Graphics 2D driver.
EMFHandleManager Allocates and frees handles for EMF files
EMFHeader EMF File Header.
EMFInputStream This class extends the TaggedInputStream with several methods to read EMF primitives from the stream and to read TagHeaders.
EMFOutputStream EMF Binary Output Stream.
EMFPolygon PolylineTo TAG.
EMFRectangle Rectangle TAG.
EMFTag EMF specific tag, from which all other EMF Tags inherit.
EMFTagSet EMF specific tagset.
EndPath EndPath TAG.
EOF Rectangle TAG.
ExcludeClipRect ExcludeClipRect TAG.
ExtCreateFontIndirectW ExtCreateFontIndirectW TAG.
ExtCreatePen ExtCreatePen TAG.
ExtFloodFill ExtFloodFill TAG.
ExtLogFontW EMF ExtLogFontW
ExtLogPen EMF ExtLogPen
ExtSelectClipRgn ExtSelectClipRgn TAG.
ExtTextOutA ExtTextOutA TAG.
ExtTextOutW ExtTextOutW TAG.
FillPath FillPath TAG.
FlattenPath FlattenPath TAG.
GDIComment GDIComment TAG.
Gradient EMF Gradient
GradientFill GradientFill TAG.
GradientRectangle EMF GradientRectangle
GradientTriangle EMF GradientTriangle
IntersectClipRect IntersectClipRect TAG.
LineTo LineTo TAG.
LogBrush32 EMF LogBrush32
LogFontW EMF LogFontW
LogPen EMF LogPen
ModifyWorldTransform ModifyWorldTransform TAG.
MoveToEx MoveToEx TAG.
OffsetClipRgn OffsetClipRgn TAG.
Panose EMF Panose
Pie Pie TAG.
PolyBezier PolyBezier TAG.
PolyBezier16 PolyBezier16 TAG.
PolyBezierTo PolyBezierTo TAG.
PolyBezierTo16 PolyBezierTo16 TAG.
PolyDraw PolyDraw TAG.
PolyDraw16 PolyDraw16 TAG.
Polygon16 Polygon16 TAG.
Polyline Polyline TAG.
Polyline16 Polyline16 TAG.
PolylineTo PolylineTo TAG.
PolylineTo16 PolylineTo16 TAG.
PolyPolygon PolyPolygon TAG.
PolyPolygon16 PolyPolygon16 TAG.
PolyPolyline PolyPolyline TAG.
PolyPolyline16 PolyPolyline16 TAG.
RealizePalette RealizePalette TAG.
ResizePalette ResizePalette TAG.
RestoreDC RestoreDC TAG.
RoundRect RoundRect TAG.
SaveDC SaveDC TAG.
ScaleViewportExtEx ScaleViewportExtEx TAG.
ScaleWindowExtEx ScaleWindowExtEx TAG.
SelectClipPath SelectClipPath TAG.
SelectObject SelectObject TAG.
SelectPalette SelectPalette TAG.
SetArcDirection SetArcDirection TAG.
SetBkColor SetBkColor TAG.
SetBkMode SetBkMode TAG.
SetBrushOrgEx SetBrushOrgEx TAG.
SetICMMode SetICMMode TAG.
SetMapMode SetMapMode TAG.
SetMapperFlags SetMapperFlags TAG.
SetMetaRgn SetMetaRgn TAG.
SetMiterLimit SetMiterLimit TAG.
SetPixelV SetPixelV TAG.
SetPolyFillMode SetPolyFillMode TAG.
SetStretchBltMode SetStretchBltMode TAG.
SetTextAlign SetTextAlign TAG.
SetTextColor SetTextColor TAG.
SetViewportExtEx SetViewportExtEx TAG.
SetViewportOrgEx SetViewportOrgEx TAG.
SetWindowExtEx SetWindowExtEx TAG.
SetWindowOrgEx SetWindowOrgEx TAG.
SetWorldTransform SetWorldTransform TAG.
StretchDIBits StretchDIBits TAG.
StrokeAndFillPath StrokeAndFillPath TAG.
StrokePath StrokePath TAG.
Text EMF Text
TextW EMF Text
TriVertex EMF TriVertex
WidenPath WidenPath TAG.

Package org.freehep.graphicsio.emf Description

EMF, Enhanced Meta File, Input and Output Format.

EMF is meant as interchange format for MS Office tools. This driver generates EMF for Office 2000 and up. Earlier versions of Office may have problems.

The following Limitations exist:


Version current

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