Version current

Package org.freehep.record.loop.event

This package contains event classes and corresponding listener interfaces for events fired by the implementation of the SequentialRecordLoop interface.


Interface Summary
ChainableRecordListener This interface should be implemented by any RecordListener which wants to be explicity part of a chain of listeners.
RecordListener This interface is, when added to a SequentialRecordLoop object, notified of any RecordEvent that occurs in that object.
RecordListenerManager This interface should be implemented by any class that can register single RecordListener objects.
RecordLoopListener This interface is, when added to a SequentialRecordLoop object, notified of any LoopEvent that occurs in that object.

Class Summary
ChainableRecordListenerDecorator This class decorates an RecordListener object so that the methods of another RecordListener object are executed in succession to its own method, thus creating a chain of listeners.
ConfigurationEvent This class is used to notify RecordListener objects that there is new configuration information and that this should be processed before processing any records are handled.
LoopEvent This class is used to notify RecordLoopListener objects that there has been a transition in a SequentialRecordLoop.
LoopProgressEvent This class is used to update RecordLoopListener objects on the progress of a SequentialRecordLoop.
RecordAdapter It is an implementation of the RecordListener interface where all the methods are empty.
RecordEvent This class is used to notify RecordListener objects that there has been a transition in a SequentialRecordLoop.
RecordLoopAdapter It is an implementation of the RecordLoopListener interface where all the methods are empty.
RecordSuppliedEvent This class is used to notify RecordListener that a new record has been supplied by the SequentialRecordSource.

Package org.freehep.record.loop.event Description

This package contains event classes and corresponding listener interfaces for events fired by the implementation of the SequentialRecordLoop interface.

Version current

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