Version current


A modified Standard doclet (from JDK 1.4.2), which includes links to the source code in the generated documentation.


Class Summary
AbstractIndexWriter Generate Index for all the Member Names with Indexing in Unicode Order.
AbstractPackageIndexWriter Abstract class to generate the overview files in Frame and Non-Frame format.
AbstractPackageWriter Abstract class to generate file for each package contents.
AbstractTreeWriter Abstract class to print the class hierarchy page for all the Classes.
AllClassesFrameWriter Generate the file with list of all the classes in this run.
ClassUseWriter Generate class usage information.
ClassWriter Generate the Class Information Page.
ConfigurationStandard Configure the output based on the command line options.
ConstantFieldSubWriter Print the table of constants.
ConstantsSummaryWriter Generate the Constants Summary Page.
DeprecatedAPIListBuilder Build list of all the deprecated classes, constructors, fields and methods.
DeprecatedListWriter Generate File to list all the deprecated classes and class members with the appropriate links.
ExecutableMemberSubWriter Print method and constructor info.
Extern Process and manage "-link" and "-linkoffline" to external packages.
FrameOutputWriter Generate the documentation in the Html "frame" format in the browser.
Group Process and manage grouping of packages, as specified by "-group" option on the command line.
HelpWriter Generate the Help File for the generated API documentation.
HtmlStandardWriter Class for the Html Format Code Generation specific to JavaDoc.
MetaKeywords Provides methods for creating an array of class, method and field names to be included as meta keywords in the HTML header of class pages.
PackageFrameWriter Class to generate file for each package contents in the left-hand bottom frame.
PackageIndexFrameWriter Generate the package index for the left-hand frame in the generated output.
PackageIndexWriter Generate the package index page "overview-summary.html" for the right-hand frame.
PackageListWriter Write out the package index.
PackagesFileWriter Generate the "packages.html" file for the backward compatibility.
PackageTreeWriter Class to generate Tree page for a package.
PackageUseWriter Generate package usage information.
PackageWriter Class to generate file for each package contents in the right-hand frame.
SerialFieldSubWriter Generate serialized form for serializable fields.
SerializedFormWriter Generate the Serialized Form Information Page.
SerialMethodSubWriter Generate serialized form for Serializable/Externalizable methods.
SingleIndexWriter Generate only one index file for all the Member Names with Indexing in Unicode Order.
SplitIndexWriter Generate Separate Index Files for all the member names with Indexing in Unicode Order.
Standard The class with "start" method, calls individual Writers.
SubWriterHolderWriter This abstract class exists to provide functionality needed in the the formatting of member information.
TagletManager Manages theTaglets used by doclets.
TreeWriter Generate Class Hierarchy page for all the Classes in this run.

Package Description

A modified Standard doclet (from JDK 1.4.2), which includes links to the source code in the generated documentation.

Unfortunately although the changes to the standard doclet are minor, it is not practical to use inheritance and therefore the entire package is reproduced here with the changes, including the tags subpackage.

The modifications are based on this FAQ,  with some additional changes to support specifying the URL of the source code independently from the sourcepath.

Changes for 1.4.2 are marked in the 4 files from the package:

and 2 files from the package: by the comment //MD.

all files have a changed package statement and correspoding imports. No import refer to or


javadoc -doclet -docletpath lib/freehep-tools.jar -baseurl <packagelist>

Mark Donszelmann, Manj Benning, Tony Johnson
compilable only with jdk 1.4.2, runnable with jdk 1.4.0 and up, not runnable below.

Version current

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