FreeHEP API Version current |
java.lang.Object java.io.Writer java.io.PrintWriter com.sun.tools.doclets.HtmlWriter com.sun.tools.doclets.HtmlDocWriter org.freehep.tools.doclet.HtmlStandardWriter
Class for the Html Format Code Generation specific to JavaDoc. This Class contains methods related to the Html Code Generation which are used extensively while generating the entire documentation.
Field Summary | |
String |
Relative path from the destination directory to the current directory. |
ConfigurationStandard |
The global configuration information for this run. |
int |
The display length used for indentation while generating the class page. |
static String |
The name of the doc files directory. |
String |
Name of the file getting generated. |
String |
Platform-dependent directory path from the current or the destination directory to the file getting generated. |
String |
Relative path from the file getting generated to the destination directory. |
String |
Same as relativepath, but normalized to never be empty or end with a slash. |
Fields inherited from class com.sun.tools.doclets.HtmlWriter |
fileseparator, htmlFilename, winTitle |
Fields inherited from class java.io.PrintWriter |
out |
Fields inherited from class java.io.Writer |
lock |
Constructor Summary | |
HtmlStandardWriter(ConfigurationStandard configuration,
String filename)
Constructor to construct the HtmlStandardWriter object. |
HtmlStandardWriter(ConfigurationStandard configuration,
String path,
String filename,
String relativepath)
Constructor to construct the HtmlStandardWriter object. |
Method Summary | |
void |
boldText(String key)
void |
boldText(String key,
String a1)
void |
boldText(String key,
String a1,
String a2)
String |
commentTagsToString(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc,
com.sun.javadoc.Tag[] tags,
boolean depr,
boolean first)
Converts inline tags and text to text strings, expanding the inline tags along the way. |
com.sun.tools.doclets.Configuration |
static void |
copyDocFiles(ConfigurationStandard configuration,
String srcDirName,
String path,
boolean overwrite)
Copy the given directory contents from the source package directory to the generated documentation directory. |
void |
error(com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos,
String key,
String a1)
void |
error(com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos,
String key,
String a1,
String a2)
void |
frame(String arg)
Print Html tag <FRAME=arg>. |
void |
Print Html closing tag </FRAME>. |
void |
frameSet(String arg)
Print Html tag <FRAMESET=arg>. |
void |
Print Html closing tag </FRAMESET>. |
void |
generateTagInfo(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc)
void |
generateTagInfo(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc,
String path)
Print tag information |
String |
getClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd)
String |
getClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd,
boolean bold)
String |
getClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd,
String label)
String |
getClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd,
String where,
String label)
String |
getClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd,
String where,
String label,
boolean bold)
String |
getClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd,
String where,
String label,
boolean bold,
String color,
String target)
String |
getCrossClassLink(String qualifiedClassName,
String refMemName,
String label,
boolean bold,
String style,
boolean code)
Return a class cross link to external class documentation. |
String |
getCrossPackageLink(String pkgName)
String |
getDocLink(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc,
String label)
String |
getDocLink(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc,
String label,
boolean bold)
String |
getPackageLink(com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc pkg)
Get link for individual package file. |
String |
getPackageLink(com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc pkg,
boolean bold)
String |
getPackageLink(com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc pkg,
String label)
String |
getPackageLink(com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc pkg,
String linklabel,
boolean bold)
String |
getPreQualifiedClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd)
String |
getPreQualifiedClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd,
boolean bold)
String |
getQualifiedClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd)
protected static String |
getSourcePath(com.sun.tools.doclets.Configuration configuration,
com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc pkgDoc)
Given a PackageDoc, return the source path for that package. |
String |
getText(String key)
String |
getText(String key,
String a1)
String |
getText(String key,
String a1,
String a2)
String |
getText(String key,
String a1,
String a2,
String a3)
boolean |
isCoreClass(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd)
According to the Java Language Specifications, all the outer classes and static nested classes are core classes. |
boolean |
isCrossClassIncluded(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd)
boolean |
isGeneratedDoc(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc)
Return true if the doc element is getting documented, depending upon -nodeprecated option and @deprecated tag used. |
String |
italicsClassName(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd,
boolean qual)
com.sun.tools.doclets.MessageRetriever |
msg(boolean checkVersion)
If checkVersion is true, print the version number before return the MessageRetriever. |
protected void |
Closing tag for navigation bar cell. |
protected void |
Description for a cell in the navigation bar, but with reverse high-light effect. |
protected void |
Description for a cell in the navigation bar. |
protected void |
Print the word "Detail" in the navigation bar. |
protected void |
Print "NO FRAMES" link, to switch to the non-frame version of the output. |
protected void |
navHideLists(String link)
Print "NO FRAMES" link, to switch to the non-frame version of the output. |
protected void |
Print the word "Class" in the navigation bar cell, to indicate that class link is not available. |
protected void |
Print link for generated index. |
protected void |
Print the word "Use" in the navigation bar cell, to indicate that link is not available. |
protected void |
Print link to the "overview-summary.html" page. |
protected void |
Print "Deprecated" API link in the navigation bar. |
protected void |
Print help file link. |
protected void |
Print link for generated class index. |
protected void |
navLinkMainTree(String label)
Print "Tree" link to the "overview-tree.html" file. |
protected void |
Print the word "NEXT" to indicate that no link is available. |
void |
navLinkNext(String next)
Print link for next file. |
protected void |
Print the word "Package" in the navigation bar cell, to indicate that link is not available here. |
protected void |
navLinkPackage(com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc pkg)
Print link to the "package-summary.html" page for the package passed. |
protected void |
Print the word "PREV" to indicate that no link is available. |
void |
navLinkPrevious(String prev)
Print link for previous file. |
protected void |
navLinks(boolean header)
Print the navigation bar for the Html page at the top and and the bottom. |
protected void |
Print "Tree" link in the navigation bar. |
protected void |
Print "FRAMES" link, to switch to the frame version of the output. |
protected void |
navShowLists(String link)
Print "FRAMES" link, to switch to the frame version of the output. |
protected void |
Print the word "Summary" in the navigation bar. |
void |
notice(com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos,
String key,
String a1)
void |
notice(com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos,
String key,
String a1,
String a2)
protected String |
pathString(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd,
String name)
Return the path to the class page for a classdoc. |
protected String |
pathString(com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc pd,
String name)
Return path to the given file name in the given package. |
protected String |
pathToClass(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd)
Return path to the class page for a classdoc. |
void |
printBoldTargetHyperLink(String link,
String target,
String label)
Print bold Html Hyper Link, with target frame. |
void |
Print the user specified bottom. |
void |
printClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd)
void |
printClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd,
boolean bold)
void |
printClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd,
String label)
void |
printClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd,
String label,
boolean bold)
void |
printClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd,
String where,
String label)
void |
printClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd,
String where,
String label,
boolean bold)
void |
printClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd,
String where,
String label,
boolean bold,
String color)
void |
printDocLink(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc,
String label)
void |
printDocLink(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc,
String label,
boolean bold)
Print link for any doc element. |
void |
printHtmlHeader(String title)
Print the html file header using no keywords for the META tag. |
void |
printHtmlHeader(String title,
String[] metakeywords)
Print the html file header. |
void |
printHtmlHeader(String title,
String[] metakeywords,
boolean includeScript)
Print the html file header. |
void |
printIndexHeading(String str)
Print the heading in Html <H2> format. |
void |
printInlineComment(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc)
void |
printInlineComment(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc,
com.sun.javadoc.Tag tag)
void |
printInlineDeprecatedComment(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc)
void |
printInlineDeprecatedComment(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc,
com.sun.javadoc.Tag tag)
void |
printNoFramesBoldTargetHyperLink(String link,
String target,
String label)
Print bold Html Hyper Link, with target frame. |
void |
printNoFramesTargetHyperLink(String link,
String where,
String target,
String label,
boolean bold)
Get Html Hyper Link, with target frame. |
void |
printPackageLink(com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc pkg)
Print link to the "pacakge-summary.html" file, depending upon the package name. |
void |
printPackageLink(com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc pkg,
boolean bold)
void |
printPackageLink(com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc pkg,
String linklabel)
void |
printPreQualifiedBoldClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd)
Print Class link, with only class name as the bold link and prefixing plain package name. |
void |
printPreQualifiedClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd)
Print Class link, with only class name as the link and prefixing plain package name. |
void |
printQualifiedClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd)
void |
printSinceTag(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc)
void |
printSrcLink(com.sun.javadoc.ProgramElementDoc d,
String label)
void |
void |
printSummaryComment(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc)
void |
printSummaryDeprecatedComment(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc)
void |
printSummaryDeprecatedComment(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc,
com.sun.javadoc.Tag tag)
protected void |
Do nothing. |
void |
printTargetClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd,
String target)
Print Class link, with target frame. |
void |
printTargetHyperLink(String link,
String target,
String label)
Print Html Hyper Link, with target frame. |
void |
printTargetHyperLink(String link,
String target,
String label,
boolean bold)
Print Html Hyper Link, with target frame. |
void |
printTargetHyperLink(String link,
String where,
String target,
String label,
boolean bold,
String title)
Print Html Hyper Link, with target frame. |
void |
printTargetPackageLink(com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc pd,
String target,
String label)
Print Package link, with target frame. |
void |
printText(String key)
void |
printText(String key,
String a1)
void |
printText(String key,
String a1,
String a2)
void |
printUserHeaderFooter(boolean header)
Print user specified header and the footer. |
String |
removeNonInlineHtmlTags(String text)
String |
replace(String text,
String tobe,
String by)
String |
replaceDocRootDir(String htmlstr)
Replace {@docRoot} tag used in options that accept HTML text, such as -header, -footer and -bottom, and when converting a relative HREF where commentTagsToString inserts a {@docRoot} where one was missing. |
String |
replaceInheritDoc(com.sun.javadoc.MethodDoc md,
com.sun.javadoc.Tag tag,
String text)
Given a MethodDoc item, a Tag in the
MethodDoc item and a String, replace all occurances
of @inheritDoc with documentation from it's superclass or superinterface. |
String |
seeTagToString(com.sun.javadoc.SeeTag see)
static boolean |
serialClassInclude(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd)
static boolean |
serialDocInclude(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc)
static boolean |
serialInclude(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc)
void |
summaryRow(int width)
Print the summary table row cell attribute width. |
void |
Print the summary table row cell end tag. |
void |
Print table header end tags for font, column and row. |
void |
Print table header with default column span 2 and default color #CCCCFF. |
void |
tableHeaderStart(int span)
Print table header with the column span, with the default color #CCCCFF. |
void |
tableHeaderStart(String color)
Print table header with the background color with default column span 2. |
void |
tableHeaderStart(String color,
int span)
Prine table header information about color, column span and the font. |
void |
Same as tableIndexSummary() . |
void |
Print the Html table tag for the index summary tables. |
void |
Print table header end tags in inherited tables for column and row. |
void |
tableInheritedHeaderStart(String color)
Print table header for the inherited members summary tables. |
void |
tableUseInfoHeaderStart(String color)
Print "Use" table header. |
void |
Print Html tag for table elements. |
void |
warning(com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos,
String key,
String a1)
void |
warning(com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos,
String key,
String a1,
String a2)
void |
warning(com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos,
String key,
String a1,
String a2,
String a3)
Methods inherited from class com.sun.tools.doclets.HtmlDocWriter |
getHyperLink, getHyperLink, getHyperLink, getHyperLink, getPkgName, printBodyHtmlEnd, printFooter, printFrameFooter, printFramesetHeader, printFramesetHeader, printHyperLink, printHyperLink, printHyperLink, printHyperLink, printNbsps, printPkgName, spaces, today |
Methods inherited from class com.sun.tools.doclets.HtmlWriter |
address, addressEnd, aEnd, aName, anchor, anchor, blockquote, blockquoteEnd, body, bodyEnd, bold, bold, boldEnd, br, center, centerEnd, code, codeEnd, codeText, commentEnd, commentStart, dd, ddEnd, dl, dlEnd, dt, em, emEnd, font, fontEnd, fontSizeStyle, fontStyle, genWriter, getBold, getBoldEnd, getCode, getCodeEnd, getFontColor, getFontEnd, getWindowTitleOnload, h1, h1, h1End, h2, h2, h2End, h3, h3, h3End, h4, h4, h4End, h5, h5End, head, headEnd, hr, hr, hr, html, htmlEnd, img, italic, italicEnd, italics, italicsText, li, li, link, menu, menuEnd, noFrames, noFramesEnd, p, pEnd, pre, preEnd, printWinTitleScript, script, scriptEnd, space, sup, supEnd, table, table, table, table, tableEnd, td, tdAlign, tdAlignRowspan, tdAlignVAlign, tdAlignVAlignRowspan, tdBgcolorStyle, tdColspan, tdColspanBgcolorStyle, tdEnd, tdNowrap, tdVAlign, tdVAlignClass, tdWidth, title, title, titleEnd, tr, trAlignVAlign, trBgcolor, trBgcolorStyle, trEnd, ul, ulEnd |
Methods inherited from class java.io.PrintWriter |
checkError, close, flush, print, print, print, print, print, print, print, print, print, println, println, println, println, println, println, println, println, println, println, setError, write, write, write, write, write |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Field Detail |
public String relativepath
public String relativepathNoSlash
public String path
public String filename
public final String backpath
public int displayLength
public ConfigurationStandard configuration
public static final String DOC_FILES_DIR_NAME
Constructor Detail |
public HtmlStandardWriter(ConfigurationStandard configuration, String filename) throws IOException
- File to be generated.public HtmlStandardWriter(ConfigurationStandard configuration, String path, String filename, String relativepath) throws IOException
- Platform-dependent path
used when
creating file.filename
- Name of file to be generated.relativepath
- Value for the variable relativepath
.Method Detail |
public static void copyDocFiles(ConfigurationStandard configuration, String srcDirName, String path, boolean overwrite)
and if given directory is found in the source
directory structure, copy the entire directory, to the generated
documentation hierarchy.
- The original directory to copy from.path
- The relative path to the directory to be copied.overwrite
- Overwrite files if true.
protected static String getSourcePath(com.sun.tools.doclets.Configuration configuration, com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc pkgDoc)
- The package to seach the path for.
public String replaceDocRootDir(String htmlstr)
Replace {@docRoot} tag in htmlstr with the relative path to the destination directory from the directory where the file is being written, looping to handle all such tags in htmlstr.
For example, for "-d docs" and -header containing {@docRoot}, when the HTML page for source file p/C1.java is being generated, the {@docRoot} tag would be inserted into the header as "../", the relative path from docs/p/ to docs/ (the document root).
Note: This doc comment was written with '@' representing '@' to prevent the inline tag from being interpreted.
public void printTargetHyperLink(String link, String where, String target, String label, boolean bold, String title)
- String name of the file.where
- Position in the filetarget
- Name of the target frame.label
- Tag for the link.bold
- Whether the label should be bold or not?public void printNoFramesTargetHyperLink(String link, String where, String target, String label, boolean bold)
- String name of the file.where
- Position in the filetarget
- Name of the target frame.label
- Tag for the link.bold
- Whether the label should be bold or not?public void printTargetHyperLink(String link, String target, String label, boolean bold)
- String name of the file.target
- Name of the target frame.label
- Tag for the link.bold
- Whether the label should be bold or not?public void printBoldTargetHyperLink(String link, String target, String label)
- String name of the file.target
- Name of the target frame.label
- Tag for the link.public void printNoFramesBoldTargetHyperLink(String link, String target, String label)
- String name of the file.target
- Name of the target frame.label
- Tag for the link.public void printTargetHyperLink(String link, String target, String label)
- String name of the file.target
- Name of the target frame.label
- Tag for the link.public void printTargetClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd, String target)
- The class to which link is.target
- Name of the target frame.public void printTargetPackageLink(com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc pd, String target, String label)
- The link will be to the "package-summary.html" page for this
- Name of the target frame.label
- Tag for the link.public void printHtmlHeader(String title)
- String title for the generated html file.public void printHtmlHeader(String title, String[] metakeywords)
- String window title to go in the <TITLE> tagmetakeywords
- Array of String keywords for META tag. Each element
of the array is assigned to a separate META tag.
Pass in null for no array.public void printHtmlHeader(String title, String[] metakeywords, boolean includeScript)
- String window title to go in the <TITLE> tagmetakeywords
- Array of String keywords for META tag. Each element
of the array is assigned to a separate META tag.
Pass in null for no array.includeScript
- boolean true if printing windowtitle script.
False for files that appear in the left-hand frames.public void printUserHeaderFooter(boolean header)
- if true print the user provided header else print the
user provided footer.public void printBottom()
protected void navLinks(boolean header)
- If true print navigation bar at the top of the page else
print the nevigation bar at the bottom.protected void printSummaryDetailLinks()
protected void navLinkContents()
protected void navCellStart()
protected void navCellRevStart()
protected void navCellEnd()
protected void navLinkPackage(com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc pkg)
- Package to which link will be generated.protected void navLinkPackage()
protected void navLinkClassUse()
public void navLinkPrevious(String prev)
- File name for the prev link.protected void navLinkPrevious()
public void navLinkNext(String next)
- File name for the next link.protected void navLinkNext()
protected void navShowLists(String link)
- File to be linked, "index.html".protected void navShowLists()
protected void navHideLists(String link)
- File to be linked.protected void navHideLists()
protected void navLinkTree()
protected void navLinkMainTree(String label)
protected void navLinkClass()
protected void navLinkDeprecated()
protected void navLinkClassIndex()
protected void navLinkIndex()
protected void navLinkHelp()
protected void navDetail()
protected void navSummary()
public void tableIndexSummary()
public void tableIndexDetail()
public void tdIndex()
public void tableHeaderStart(String color, int span)
- Background color.span
- Column span.public void tableInheritedHeaderStart(String color)
- Background color.public void tableUseInfoHeaderStart(String color)
- Background color.public void tableHeaderStart(String color)
- Background color.public void tableHeaderStart(int span)
- Column span.public void tableHeaderStart()
public void tableHeaderEnd()
public void tableInheritedHeaderEnd()
public void summaryRow(int width)
- Width of the table cell.public void summaryRowEnd()
public void printIndexHeading(String str)
- The Header string.public void frameSet(String arg)
- Argument for the tag.public void frameSetEnd()
public void frame(String arg)
- Argument for the tag.public void frameEnd()
protected String pathToClass(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd)
- Class to which the path is requested.protected String pathString(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd, String name)
- Class to which the path is requested.name
- Name of the file(doesn't include path).protected String pathString(com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc pd, String name)
- Package in which the file name is assumed to be.name
- File name, to which path string is.public void printPackageLink(com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc pkg)
public void printPackageLink(com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc pkg, boolean bold)
public void printPackageLink(com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc pkg, String linklabel)
public String getPackageLink(com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc pkg)
public String getPackageLink(com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc pkg, boolean bold)
public String getPackageLink(com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc pkg, String label)
public String getPackageLink(com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc pkg, String linklabel, boolean bold)
public String italicsClassName(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd, boolean qual)
public void printSrcLink(com.sun.javadoc.ProgramElementDoc d, String label)
public void printClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd)
public String getClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd)
public void printClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd, String label)
public String getClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd, String label)
public void printClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd, String where, String label)
public void printClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd, String label, boolean bold)
public void printClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd, String where, String label, boolean bold, String color)
public String getClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd, String where, String label)
public void printClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd, boolean bold)
public String getClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd, boolean bold)
public void printClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd, String where, String label, boolean bold)
public String getClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd, String where, String label, boolean bold, String color, String target)
public String getClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd, String where, String label, boolean bold)
public String getCrossClassLink(String qualifiedClassName, String refMemName, String label, boolean bold, String style, boolean code)
- the qualified name of the external class.refMemName
- the name of the member being referenced. This should
be null or empty string if no member is being referenced.label
- the label for the external link.bold
- true if the link should be bold.style
- the style of the link.code
- true if the label should be code font.public boolean isCrossClassIncluded(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd)
public String getCrossPackageLink(String pkgName)
public void printQualifiedClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd)
public String getQualifiedClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd)
public void printPreQualifiedClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd)
public String getPreQualifiedClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd)
public String getPreQualifiedClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd, boolean bold)
public void printPreQualifiedBoldClassLink(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd)
public void printText(String key)
public void printText(String key, String a1)
public void printText(String key, String a1, String a2)
public void boldText(String key)
public void boldText(String key, String a1)
public void boldText(String key, String a1, String a2)
public String getText(String key)
public String getText(String key, String a1)
public String getText(String key, String a1, String a2)
public String getText(String key, String a1, String a2, String a3)
public void notice(com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos, String key, String a1)
public void notice(com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos, String key, String a1, String a2)
public void warning(com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos, String key, String a1)
public void warning(com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos, String key, String a1, String a2)
public void warning(com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos, String key, String a1, String a2, String a3)
public void error(com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos, String key, String a1)
public void error(com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition pos, String key, String a1, String a2)
public void printDocLink(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc, String label, boolean bold)
public String getDocLink(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc, String label, boolean bold)
public boolean isGeneratedDoc(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc)
public void printDocLink(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc, String label)
public String getDocLink(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc, String label)
public static boolean serialInclude(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc)
public static boolean serialClassInclude(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd)
public static boolean serialDocInclude(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc)
public String seeTagToString(com.sun.javadoc.SeeTag see)
public void generateTagInfo(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc)
public void generateTagInfo(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc, String path)
public void printSinceTag(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc)
public void printInlineComment(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc, com.sun.javadoc.Tag tag)
public void printInlineDeprecatedComment(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc, com.sun.javadoc.Tag tag)
public void printSummaryComment(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc)
public void printSummaryDeprecatedComment(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc)
public void printSummaryDeprecatedComment(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc, com.sun.javadoc.Tag tag)
public void printInlineComment(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc)
public void printInlineDeprecatedComment(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc)
public String commentTagsToString(com.sun.javadoc.Doc doc, com.sun.javadoc.Tag[] tags, boolean depr, boolean first)
- specific doc where comment residestags
- array of text tags and inline tags (often alternating)
present in the text of interest for this docdepr
- true if deprecated comment (to format it differently)first
- true if text is first sentencepublic String removeNonInlineHtmlTags(String text)
public String replace(String text, String tobe, String by)
public void printStyleSheetProperties()
public boolean isCoreClass(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc cd)
public com.sun.tools.doclets.Configuration configuration()
public com.sun.tools.doclets.MessageRetriever msg(boolean checkVersion)
public String replaceInheritDoc(com.sun.javadoc.MethodDoc md, com.sun.javadoc.Tag tag, String text)
item, a Tag
in the
item and a String, replace all occurances
of @inheritDoc with documentation from it's superclass or superinterface.
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