Access to the Code

The source code and websites of version 2.0 (and up) of FreeHEP are housed on a subversion (svn) server. (FreeHEP 1.x is still available from cvs).

Browsing the repository

You can look through our repository with Sventon.


To check out the FreeHEP code from our subversion server you need an subversion client (svn). Download the command line version from

Some IDEs/OSs contain plugin/access modules to access svn:

Repository Read Access

The FreeHEP Subversion repository is available for anonymous access through:

svn co svn:// freehep

which will get you the full FreeHEP repository.

You may want to ask for just a single global library, such as freehep-base with the following command:

svn co svn:// freehep-base

or a single library, such as freehep-util:

svn co svn:// freehep-util

Any module or submodule can be compiled by itself.

Repository Structure

To browse the repository you can use the "list" command, for example:

svn ls svn://

In general our structure looks like this:


Repository Write Access

Developers with commit access can check out copies of the repository using anonymous access. Once they need to commit code back to the repository, authentication in svn will occur and write access will be given.

Before you commit or add anything to our subversion repository make sure you use the content of the file svn-eol-style.txt in your subversion configuration file. This file with name "config" is located:

  • On Windows: C:\Documents and Settings>>><user><<<\Application Data\Subversion\config
  • On Unix: $HOME/.subversion/config

To add files and directories to the svn structure you need to use:

svn add <newfile>
svn add <newdirectory>

To do the same as .cvsignore (this file does not exist in svn) you need to set the properties on a directory:

svn propset svn:ignore -F <freehep-top-level-dir>/svnignores.txt

Want to add a new (global) library, then mail me