

  • Subversion client (svn) to get the code.
  • Java 1.5.x
  • Maven 2.0.4

To compile and run the G4Java examples.

  • Nothing more

To rebuild the G4Java shareable library

  • A C++ compiler and linker (g++, CL, ...).

To run SWIG to reproduce the G4Java wrappers

  • Special version of SWIG 1.3.29.
  • Checked out modified version of geant4.
  • Checked out version of clhep.

To rebuild the modified version of Geant4

  • Checked out modified version of geant.
    • Checked out version of clhep.
    • Downloaded pre-compiled binary for clhep.

To rebuild clhep

  • Checked out version of clhep.
  • Downloaded source of clhep.


In principle G4Java runs anywhere, but is of course limited to the platforms supported by Geant4. The current setup was tested on Linux and MacOS X. Work is being done to get it to run on Windows.