The XML Particle Property Database
another Particle
Property Interface
This is the home page of YaPPI, an
XML database of particle properties. YaPPI is a part of the open source
FreeHEP Java Library.
What is YaPPI?
YaPPI is an XML database of particle properties, accessible through a
Java API. The goal is to provide particle property data to physicists'
analysis programs in a way that is independent of platform, environment,
or analysis package being used. Available components of YaPPI include:
A set of XML files derived from
derived directly from the from the Review of Particle Physics (RPP)
of the Particle Data Group (PDG).
The XML data files are designed to be easy for users to modify or
extend for their own purposes.
A Java API for reading (and
writing) the XML database.
An implementation of the ParticlePropertyProvider
interface of the Java Analysis Studio
(JAS), a High Energy Physics analysis software package. JAS users
may access particle properties in XML directly from within JAS,.
- A web servlet to allow online browsing
of particle data.
The implementation was created by
Patrick Hellwig and is currently maintained by Mark Donszelmann and Paolo
Palazzi (CERN) and Tony Johnson (SLAC).