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Interface AidaTreeServant

All Known Implementing Classes:
RemoteServant, RmiClientImpl

public interface AidaTreeServant

Basic interface for AIDA Tree Servant. Conveys all communication between the AIDA ITree and the AidaTreeClient. Can notify AidaTreeClient about changes in the ITree by calling client's "stateChanged" method ("Duplex" Mode) or by returning list of updates when AidaTreeClient calls "updates()" method. Communication mode ("Duplex" or "non-Duplex" mode) is fixed at the AidaTreeServant creation time and can not be changed. If validation mechanism is used, AidaTreeClient should call "setValid" method (after processing an UpdateEvent) in order to tell AidaTreeServant that it is ready to receive information about changes/updates of particular set of IManagedObjects in ITree.

Source Code:

Method Summary
 Object find(String path)
          Get the IManagedObject, at a given path in the ITree.
 String[] listObjectNames(String path, boolean recursive)
          Get the list of names of the IManagedObjects under a given path, including directories (but not "." and "..").
 String[] listObjectTypes(String path, boolean recursive)
          Get the list of types of the IManagedObjects under a given path.
 void setValid(String[] nodePaths)
          This method can be called by AidaTreeClient to tell AidaTreeServant that it is ready to receive information about changes/updates of particular set of IManagedObjects.
 AidaUpdateEvent[] updates()
          This method can be called by AidaTreeClient to get list of current updates.

Method Detail


public String[] listObjectNames(String path,
                                boolean recursive)
Get the list of names of the IManagedObjects under a given path, including directories (but not "." and ".."). Directories end with "/". The returned names are appended to the given path unless the latter is "." The path is an absolute path from the ITree root.


public String[] listObjectTypes(String path,
                                boolean recursive)
Get the list of types of the IManagedObjects under a given path. The types are the leaf class of the Interface, e.g. "IHistogram1D", "ITuple", etc. Directories are marked with "dir". The order of the types is the same as the order for the listObjectNames() method to achieve a one-to-one correspondance between object names and types. The path is an absolute path from the ITree root.


public Object find(String path)
Get the IManagedObject, at a given path in the ITree. The path is an absolute path from the ITree root.


public void setValid(String[] nodePaths)
This method can be called by AidaTreeClient to tell AidaTreeServant that it is ready to receive information about changes/updates of particular set of IManagedObjects.


public AidaUpdateEvent[] updates()
This method can be called by AidaTreeClient to get list of current updates.

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