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Interface HasNextPages

public interface HasNextPages

A WizardPage that implements this interface will have one or more subsequent pages. When a page that implements this interface is showing in a WizardDialog, the "Next" button will be enabled. A sensible wizard page would implement this interface, or the Finishable interface, or both. If you implement neither then neither the "Next" nor "Finish" button will enable on the wizard, and you page will be a "dead end".

Jonas Gifford
See Also:
WizardPage, WizardDialog, Finishable
Source Code:

Method Summary
 WizardPage getNext()
          This method is called when the user clicks on the "Next" button.
 WizardPage[] getNextWizardPages()
          Returns an array of all possible next pages.

Method Detail


public WizardPage getNext()
This method is called when the user clicks on the "Next" button. You must return a page that was in the array returned by getNextWizardPages.

a WizardPage that was included in the array returned by getNextWizardPages


public WizardPage[] getNextWizardPages()
Returns an array of all possible next pages. There could, of course, be just one element in this array. This method will be called before the wizard shows on the screen. The wizard needs to know all of the possible pages so that it can size itself to fit them all.

an array of all possible subsequent pages

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