AbstractCompileMojo - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
AbstractCompileMojo() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractCompileMojo
AbstractDependencyMojo - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
AbstractDependencyMojo() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractDependencyMojo
AbstractNarMojo - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
AbstractNarMojo() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractNarMojo
addIncludePaths(CCTask, String) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Java
addLibraryPathToEnv(String, Map, String) - Static method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarUtil
addLibSet(AbstractDependencyMojo, LinkerDef, Project) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Lib
addNar(String, String, String) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarInfo
addRuntime(CCTask, File, String, String) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Java
args - Variable in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Library
Arguments to be used for running this executable.
args - Variable in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Test
Arguments to be used for running this test.
AttachedNarArtifact - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
NarArtifact with its own type, classifier and artifactHandler.
AttachedNarArtifact(String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.AttachedNarArtifact
AttachedNarArtifact(Artifact, String, String) - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.AttachedNarArtifact


buildFinished(BuildEvent) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarLogger
buildStarted(BuildEvent) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarLogger


C - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
C compiler tag
C() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.C
Compiler - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
Abstract Compiler class
Compiler() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.Compiler
copyDirectoryStructure(File, File, String, String) - Static method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarUtil
copyIncludeFiles(MavenProject, File) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Compiler
Cpp - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
Cpp compiler tag
Cpp() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.Cpp


DEFAULT_EXCLUDES - Static variable in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarUtil
downloadAttachedNars(List, List, ArtifactResolver, String) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarManager


Executable - Interface in org.freehep.maven.nar
EXECUTABLE - Static variable in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Library
execute() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Javah
execute() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarAssemblyMojo
Copies the unpacked nar libraries and files into the projects target area
execute() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarCompileMojo
execute() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarDownloadMojo
execute() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarIntegrationTestMojo
execute() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarJavahMojo
execute() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarPackageMojo
execute() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarResourcesMojo
execute() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarSystemGenerate
execute() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarTestCompileMojo
execute() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarTestMojo
execute() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarUnpackMojo
exists(JarFile) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarInfo


failOnError() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractCompileMojo
Fortran - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
Fortran compiler tag


getAntProject() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractCompileMojo
getAOL() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractNarMojo
getAOL(String) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarInfo
getAOL(String, String, Linker, String) - Static method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarUtil
getAOLKey() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractNarMojo
getAOLKey(String, String, Linker) - Static method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarUtil
getAOLKey(String) - Static method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarUtil
getArchitecture() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractNarMojo
getArchitecture(String) - Static method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarUtil
getArgs() - Method in interface org.freehep.maven.nar.Executable
getArgs() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Library
getArgs() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Test
getAttachedNarDependencies(List) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarManager
getAttachedNarDependencies(List, String) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarManager
getAttachedNarDependencies(List, String, String) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarManager
Returns a list of all attached nar dependencies for a specific binding and "noarch", but not where "local" is specified
getAttachedNarDependencyMap(String) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarManager
Returns all NAR dependencies by type: noarch, static, dynamic, jni, plugin.
getAttachedNars(String, String) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarInfo
getBcelClass(String) - Static method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarUtil
Returns the Bcel Class corresponding to the given class filename
getBinding(String, String) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarInfo
No binding means default binding.
getC() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractCompileMojo
getClassDirectory() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Javah
getClassifier() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarArtifactHandler
getClassPaths() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Javah
getCompiler(String, String) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Compiler
getCpp() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractCompileMojo
getDefaults() - Static method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarUtil
getDependencyLibOrder() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractCompileMojo
getDirectory() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarArtifactHandler
getEnv(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarUtil
getExcludes() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Compiler
getExtension() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarArtifactHandler
getFinalName() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractNarMojo
getFortran() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractCompileMojo
getHeaderName(String, String) - Static method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarUtil
Returns the header file name (javah) corresponding to the given class file name
getIncludePaths(String) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Compiler
getIncludes() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Compiler
getIncludes(String) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Compiler
getIncludes() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Javah
getJava() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractCompileMojo
getJavah() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractCompileMojo
getJavaHome() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractCompileMojo
getJavaHome(File, String) - Static method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarUtil
getJniDirectory() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Javah
getLanguage() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarArtifactHandler
getLibraries() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractCompileMojo
getLibs(String) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarInfo
getLink() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Test
getLinker() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractNarMojo
getLinker(AbstractCompileMojo, Project, String, String, String) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Linker
getLinker(Linker) - Static method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarUtil
getLinkerName(String, String, Linker) - Static method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarUtil
getLocalRepository() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractDependencyMojo
getMavenProject() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractNarMojo
getName() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.C
getName() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Compiler
getName() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Cpp
getName() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Fortran
getName(Properties, String) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Linker
getName() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Test
getNarDependencies(String) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarManager
Returns dependencies which are dependent on NAR files (i.e.
getNarFile(Artifact) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarManager
getNarInfo() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarArtifact
getNarInfo(Artifact) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarManager
getNarManager() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractDependencyMojo
getNarSystemDirectory() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Library
getNarSystemName() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Library
getNarSystemPackage() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Library
getOptions(String) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarInfo
getOS() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractNarMojo
getOS(String) - Static method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarUtil
getOutput() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractCompileMojo
getOutputDirectory() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractNarMojo
getPackaging() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarArtifactHandler
getPrefix() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Compiler
getRuntime() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractCompileMojo
getSourceDirectory() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Compiler
getSourceDirectory(String) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Compiler
getSysLibs(String) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarInfo
getSysLibSet(Project) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.SysLib
getTargetDirectory() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractNarMojo
getTargetDirectory() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarTestCompileMojo
getTargetDirectory() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarTestMojo
getTests() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractCompileMojo
getTimestampDirectory() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Javah
getTimestampFile() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Javah
getType() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Library


isAddedToClasspath() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarArtifactHandler
isIncludesDependencies() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarArtifactHandler
isSkipExec() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarIntegrationTestMojo


Java - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
Java specifications for NAR
Java() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.Java
Javah - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
Sets up the javah configuration
Javah() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.Javah
JNI - Static variable in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Library


Lib - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
Keeps info on a library
Lib() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.Lib
Library - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
Sets up a library to create
Library() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.Library
link - Variable in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Test
Type of linking used for this test Possible choices are: "shared" or "static".
linkCPP - Variable in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Library
Link with stdcpp if necessary Defaults to true.
linkCPP() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Library
Linker - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
Linker tag
Linker() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.Linker
Linker(String) - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.Linker
For use with specific named linker.
linkFortran - Variable in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Library
Link with fortran runtime if necessary Defaults to false.
linkFortran() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Library
LINUX - Static variable in interface org.freehep.maven.nar.OS
LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG - Static variable in interface org.freehep.maven.nar.NarConstants
LOG_LEVEL_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.freehep.maven.nar.NarConstants
LOG_LEVEL_INFO - Static variable in interface org.freehep.maven.nar.NarConstants
LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE - Static variable in interface org.freehep.maven.nar.NarConstants
LOG_LEVEL_WARNING - Static variable in interface org.freehep.maven.nar.NarConstants


MACOSX - Static variable in interface org.freehep.maven.nar.OS
makeExecutable(File, Log) - Static method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarUtil
maxCores - Variable in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractCompileMojo
Maximum number of Cores/CPU's to use.
messageLogged(BuildEvent) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarLogger


name - Variable in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Test
Name of the test to create
NAR_EXTENSION - Static variable in interface org.freehep.maven.nar.NarConstants
NAR_NO_ARCH - Static variable in interface org.freehep.maven.nar.NarConstants
NAR_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarInfo
NAR_ROLE_HINT - Static variable in interface org.freehep.maven.nar.NarConstants
NAR_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.freehep.maven.nar.NarConstants
NarArchiver - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
NarArchiver() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarArchiver
NarArtifact - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
NarArtifact(Artifact, NarInfo) - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarArtifact
NarArtifactHandler - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
NarArtifactHandler() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarArtifactHandler
NarAssemblyMojo - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
Assemble libraries of NAR files.
NarAssemblyMojo() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarAssemblyMojo
NarCompileMojo - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
Compiles native source files.
NarCompileMojo() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarCompileMojo
NarConstants - Interface in org.freehep.maven.nar
NarDownloadMojo - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
Downloads any dependent NAR files.
NarDownloadMojo() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarDownloadMojo
NarInfo - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
NarInfo(String, String, String, Log) - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarInfo
NarIntegrationTestMojo - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
Run integration tests using Surefire.
NarIntegrationTestMojo() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarIntegrationTestMojo
NarJavahMojo - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
Compiles class files into c/c++ headers using "javah".
NarJavahMojo() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarJavahMojo
NarLogger - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
Logger to connect the Ant logging to the Maven logging.
NarLogger(Log) - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarLogger
NarManager - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
NarManager(Log, ArtifactRepository, MavenProject, String, String, Linker) - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarManager
NarPackageMojo - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
Jars up the NAR files.
NarPackageMojo() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarPackageMojo
NarResourcesMojo - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
Copies any resources, including AOL specific distributions, to the target area for packaging
NarResourcesMojo() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarResourcesMojo
narSystemDirectory - Variable in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Library
The target directory into which to generate the output.
NarSystemGenerate - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
Generates a NarSystem class with static methods to use inside the java part of the library.
NarSystemGenerate() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarSystemGenerate
narSystemName - Variable in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Library
Name of the NarSystem class
narSystemPackage - Variable in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Library
If specified will create the NarSystem class with methods to load a JNI library.
NarTestCompileMojo - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
Compiles native test source files.
NarTestCompileMojo() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarTestCompileMojo
NarTestMojo - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
Tests NAR files.
NarTestMojo() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarTestMojo
NarUnArchiver - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
NarUnArchiver() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarUnArchiver
NarUnpackMojo - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
Unpacks NAR files.
NarUnpackMojo() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarUnpackMojo
NarUtil - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
NarUtil() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarUtil
NONE - Static variable in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Library


org.freehep.maven.nar - package org.freehep.maven.nar
OS - Interface in org.freehep.maven.nar


PLUGIN - Static variable in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Library
processSystemProperties(boolean) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarIntegrationTestMojo


read(JarFile) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarInfo
read(File) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarInfo
read(InputStream) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarInfo
replace(CharSequence, CharSequence, String) - Static method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarUtil
Replaces target with replacement in string.
run - Variable in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Library
When true and if type is "executable" run this executable.
run - Variable in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Test
When true run this test.
runCommand(String, String[], String[], Log) - Static method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarUtil
runRanlib(File, Log) - Static method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarUtil


setAbstractCompileMojo(AbstractCompileMojo) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Compiler
setAbstractCompileMojo(AbstractCompileMojo) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Java
setAbstractCompileMojo(AbstractCompileMojo) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Javah
setBinding(String, String) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarInfo
setDependencyLibOrder(List) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractCompileMojo
setNar(String, String, String) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarInfo
setSkipExec(boolean) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarIntegrationTestMojo
SHARED - Static variable in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Library
shouldRun() - Method in interface org.freehep.maven.nar.Executable
shouldRun() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Library
shouldRun() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Test
shouldSkip() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractNarMojo
STATIC - Static variable in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Library
SUNOS - Static variable in interface org.freehep.maven.nar.OS
SysLib - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
Keeps info on a system library
SysLib() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.SysLib


targetFinished(BuildEvent) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarLogger
targetStarted(BuildEvent) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarLogger
taskFinished(BuildEvent) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarLogger
taskStarted(BuildEvent) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarLogger
Test - Class in org.freehep.maven.nar
Sets up a test to create
Test() - Constructor for class org.freehep.maven.nar.Test
toString() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarInfo
type - Variable in class org.freehep.maven.nar.Library
Type of the library to generate.


unpackAttachedNars(List, ArchiverManager, String, String) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarManager
useLibtool() - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.AbstractCompileMojo


WINDOWS - Static variable in interface org.freehep.maven.nar.OS
writeToFile(File) - Method in class org.freehep.maven.nar.NarInfo


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