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1   // Copyright 2002-2007, FreeHEP.
2   package org.freehep.graphicsio.emf.gdi;
4   import java.awt.Point;
5   import java.awt.Rectangle;
6   import;
8   import org.freehep.graphicsio.emf.EMFInputStream;
9   import org.freehep.graphicsio.emf.EMFOutputStream;
11  /**
12   * EMF Text
13   * 
14   * @author Mark Donszelmann
15   * @version $Id: 10367 2007-01-22 19:26:48Z duns $
16   */
17  public class TextW extends Text {
19      public TextW(Point pos, String string, int options, Rectangle bounds, int[] widths) {
20          super(pos, string, options, bounds, widths);
21      }
23      public static TextW read(EMFInputStream emf) throws IOException {
24          Point pos = emf.readPOINTL();
25          int sLen = emf.readDWORD();
26          /* int sOffset = */ emf.readDWORD();
27          int options = emf.readDWORD();
28          Rectangle bounds = emf.readRECTL();
29          /* int cOffset = */ emf.readDWORD();
30          // FIXME: nothing done with offsets
31          String string = new String(emf.readBYTE(2 * sLen), "UTF-16LE");
32          if ((2 * sLen) % 4 != 0)
33              for (int i = 0; i < 4 - (2 * sLen) % 4; i++)
34                  emf.readBYTE();
35          int[] widths = new int[sLen];
36          for (int i = 0; i < sLen; i++)
37              widths[i] = emf.readDWORD();
38          return new TextW(pos, string, options, bounds, widths);
39      }
41      public void write(EMFOutputStream emf) throws IOException {
42          emf.writePOINTL(pos);
43          emf.writeDWORD(string.length());
44          emf.writeDWORD(8 + 28 + 40); // TagHeader + ExtTextOutA + Text
45          emf.writeDWORD(options);
46          emf.writeRECTL(bounds);
47          int pad = (2 * string.length()) % 4;
48          if (pad > 0)
49              pad = 4 - pad;
50          emf.writeDWORD(8 + 28 + 40 + 2 * string.length() + pad); // offset to
51                                                                      // character
52                                                                      // spacing
53                                                                      // array
54          emf.writeBYTE(string.getBytes("UTF-16LE"));
55          for (int i = 0; i < pad; i++)
56              emf.writeBYTE(0);
57          for (int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++)
58              emf.writeDWORD(widths[i]);
59      }
61      public String toString() {
62          StringBuffer widthsS = new StringBuffer();
63          for (int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++) {
64              widthsS.append(",");
65              widthsS.append(widths[i]);
66          }
67          widthsS.append(']');
68          widthsS.setCharAt(0, '[');
69          return "  TextW\n" + "    pos: " + pos +
70              "\n    options: " + options +
71              "\n    bounds: " + bounds +
72              "\n    string: " + string +
73              "\n    widths: " + widthsS;
74      }
75  }