



The hep.io.root package contains a simple Java interface for reading Root files. The package is not designed to duplicate the functionality of Root, just to allow the data in root files to be read from Java. The package is valuable for data-centric classes, for which access to the data without the associated C++ classes is useful. Examples include viewing Root histograms from Java, accessing Root data from Java based event displays, and using Root files from Java based data analysis tools (such as JAIDA or JAS). Another potential use of the package is to access Root files from Java based scripting languages such as Pnuts, Jython, Beanshell or DynamicJava.

The package allows Java to read any Root file, including files containing user defined objects, by exploiting the StreamerInfo objects embedded in Root files. If you use the default Root streamer mechanism then the StreamerInfo objects are created by Root automatically. (If you write your own object streamer for Root then you must also provide a StreamerInfo object for your class, or the Java interface will not be able to read it). Since the StreamerInfo objects were extensively redesigned for Root 3.0, the current Java IO package can only read files created with Root 3.00/6 or later.

Reporting Bugs

The Root IO format is quite complex, and there is little documentation on the internal format, so getting everything to work correctly takes quite a bit of trial and error. Since this is an early release it is quite likely that the package may have problems reading your particular Root files. If this happens please e-mail me, tonyj@slac.stanford.edu, and if at all possible make your Root file available so that I can debug the problem. Once we have enough different Root files for testing the package should ultimately become very reliable.


In the current release of the hep.io.root package several steps have been taken to improve performance. First the new java.nio package is used for IO (as long as you are using Java 1.4.0 or later). java.nio has been optimized for efficiently reading large binary files. Secondly the package now uses BCEL to dynamically create Java proxies for each Root object read. The proxies include dynamically created Java bytecode streamers for each Root class, and these are further optimized (by dynamic optimizers like HotSpot) to machine code at run time.


Several demos of the hep.io.root package are available.


To use the Java package you only need to download a single file, root.jar (you may need to right-click and select Save As to prevent your browser trying to run the jar file instead when you click on the link). This file contains: You can also build the root IO package yourself by downloading the source code, which is distributed as package hep.io.root within the FreeHEP Java Library.

Root Object Browser

As an illustration of the use of the Java interface, we have built a sample application which is a simple Root Object Browser. It can be used to open any Root file and look at all the objects inside the file. If you already have Java 2 installed (JDK 1.3 or later), you can download the root.jar file containing the application, and run it using the command:
java -jar root.jar
(on Windows you can just double-click on the root.jar file). A screen shot of the application is show below.  The pane on the left shows the directory structure of the file. The object browser knows how to navigate directories (TDirectories), trees (TTrees and TBranches) and these will all be shown in the left pane. Clicking on any object in the left pane will cause the details of the object to be shown in the right pane. The right pane knows how to follow embedded pointers to other objects.

It is a good idea to try out the Object Browser on any root file you are interested in using, before trying any of the examples below. If the Object Browser is not able to display your file correctly, then you have probably discovered a bug in the Java package, and should report it. It is unlikely any of the following example programs will work if the object browser does not work.

Reading Root files in Java Analysis Studio

This is now covered in a separate document.

Using Root IO in your own Java Programs

Before running any of these examples make sure you have root.jar in your CLASSPATH, by typing something like:
set CLASSPATH=.;root.jar    (windows)
setenv CLASSPATH .:root.jar (unix, csh)

Opening a Root file and Accessing a Histogram.

This example requires the file Example.root file, which you can down load here.

Root files can contain many objects, each referenced by a key (TKey). To access a particular object you must know its key. You can use the RootObjectBrowser described above to browse the contents of a file and discover what keys are contained in it. In this example we access the Histogram whose key is "mainHistogram":

import hep.io.root.*;
import hep.io.root.interfaces.*;
import java.io.IOException;

public class RootTest
    public static void main(String[] argv) throws IOException
        RootFileReader rfr = new RootFileReader("Example.root");
        TKey key = rfr.getKey("mainHistogram");
        TH1 histogram = (TH1) key.getObject();

        double entries= histogram.getEntries();

To compile and run this example just issue the commands:

javac RootTest.java
java RootTest
A more interesting example which actually displays histograms is also available.

Reading User Defined Objects

This example requires that your have the file Moy.root file, which you can download here.

Before reading the file you must first use the Interface Builder to create the Java Interface for the user-defined objects contained in your file. To do this run the following command:

java hep.io.root.util.InterfaceBuilder Moy.root
This should create a file hep/io/root/interfaces/Moyennes.java. (The sub-directories follow Java's normal convention of putting source files into subdirectories corresponding to the package). If you look inside the file created you will see that it looks like this:
package hep.io.root.interfaces;

public interface Moyennes extends RootObject, TObject
   /**  */
   int getSize();
   /**  */
   double[] getMoy();
   /**  */
   double[] getSig();
   /**  */
   int[] getNEntries();
   /**  */
   int getBid();

   public final static int rootIOVersion=1;

As you can see that the InterfaceBuilder has created an interface with accessor methods for each data member inside the user defined object (Moyennes in this case). Using this interface it is now easy to write a routine to access the objects from the file:

import hep.io.root.*;
import hep.io.root.interfaces.*;
import java.io.IOException;

public class MoyTest
    public static void main(String[] argv) throws IOException
        RootFileReader rfr = new RootFileReader("Moy.root");

        TKey key = rfr.getKey("MeanPedBF_0");
        Moyennes moy = (Moyennes) key.getObject();
        // Now we have the user define object we can call any method 
        // we like.
        int size = moy.getSize();

You can compile and run this routine by typing:

javac MoyTest.java
java MoyTest

Reading Files Containing TTrees.

The following example shows how to read user-defined objects contained in a Root TTree. This example uses the file Event.root created by this Root example. (You can download this file here, but it is 17MB, so maybe you should recreate it yourself using Root).

As before the first step is to create the Java Interfaces corresponding to the user defined objects. You do this by issuing the command:

java hep.io.root.util.InterfaceBuilder Event.root
Now you can compile and run the following program:
import hep.io.root.*;
import hep.io.root.interfaces.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;

 * An example of how to read events from a Root file.
 * @author  tonyj
 * @version $Id: index.html,v 1.10 2003/03/23 02:37:06 tonyj Exp $
public class EventTest 
    public static void main (String args[]) throws IOException
        RootFileReader reader = new RootFileReader("Event.root");
        TTree tree = (TTree) reader.get("T");
        TBranch branch = tree.getBranch("event");
        int n = branch.getNEntries();
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); 
        for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
            Event e = (Event) branch.getEntry(i);
            List l = e.getTracks();
            System.out.println("NTracks="+e.getNtrack()+" "+l.size());
            Iterator it = l.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext())
               Track t = (Track) it.next();
               double px = t.getPx();
        long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();

If you compare this program to the equivalent Root script, you will see that in the Java example it is not necessary to say in advance which branches of the tree should be read. This is because the hep.io.root package returns "Hollow Objects"  for Event and Track, and the data is only fetched from the file as needed by calls to accessor methods (e.g. getXXX()) on these objects. This means Java gains the efficiency of only reading the required branches without the user having to explicitly list the branches. (The efficiency gains made possible are not fully realized in the current implementation, due to the early nature of this release, but in subsequent releases we expect the speed of this demo to increase dramatically).

Links for More Information

The Java interface to Root is part of the FreeHEP Java library.

Tony Johnson - Version: $Id: index.shtml,v 1.11 2001/06/11 21:32:53 tonyj Exp $