FreeHEP Java Library

Components and Tools for Java
Java Library FreeHEP
Member of FreeHEP Printable Page

Get the Source Code using CVS

Here is the information needed to access the FreeHEP Java Library source code using CVS:

protocol: pserver
cvsroot: /cvs/freehep
userid: anoncvs
password: jascvs
module: freehep

If you are using line mode CVS here are the relevant commands:

setenv CVSROOT
cvs login
CVS Password: jascvs
cvs co -P freehep

Releases are tagged using the scheme: v#r#p#, release 1.2 is tagged v1r2, while 1.2.1 is tagged v1r2p1. Use the -r option on the cvs co command to get a particular tag rather than the HEAD of CVS.

Once you have obtained the source code read the instructions for building the FreeHEP Java Library.