Class JspResponseWriter

  extended by org.freehep.webutil.util.writer.JspResponseWriter

public final class JspResponseWriter
extends Object

Constructor Summary
          Defualt constructor -- Sets pretty printing to 'on'.
JspResponseWriter(boolean prettyPrinting)
          Allows instanciating this writer with pretty printing turned off.
Method Summary
 void attribute(String qName, String value)
          Write an attribute with qualified name and corresponding value.
 void attribute(String prefix, String localName, String value)
          Write an attribute with this namespace prefix, and local name corresponding values.
 void comment(Object comment)
          Write a comment containing the specified text, after converting that text to a String (if necessary), and after performing any escaping appropriate for the markup language being rendered.
 void endElement(String qName)
          End an XML element with a qualified name.
 void endElement(String prefix, String localName)
          End an XML element with a namespace prefix and a localName.
 void endElementNow(String qName)
          End an XML element with a qualified name.
 void endElementNow(String prefix, String localName)
          End an XML element with a namespace prefix and a localName.
 StringBuffer getBuffer()
 Writer getWriter()
 boolean isPrettyPrinting()
          Check for pretty printing setting.
 void lineBreak()
          This method exists for the convenience of the JSP author in manually controlling the pretty printing of the buffered output.
 void setPrettyPrinting(boolean prettyPrinting)
          Set this writer to include line breaks and tabstops in the output for easier human-readable markup.
 void startElement(String qName)
          Start an XML element with a qualified name, up to and including the element name.
 void startElement(String prefix, String localName)
          Start an XML element with a namespace prefix and a localName.
 void tabStop()
 void text(Object text)
          Write an object, after converting it to a String (if necessary), and after performing any escaping appropriate for the markup language being rendered.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JspResponseWriter()
Defualt constructor -- Sets pretty printing to 'on'.


public JspResponseWriter(boolean prettyPrinting)
Allows instanciating this writer with pretty printing turned off.

Method Detail


public StringBuffer getBuffer()


public Writer getWriter()


public void setPrettyPrinting(boolean prettyPrinting)
Set this writer to include line breaks and tabstops in the output for easier human-readable markup.


public boolean isPrettyPrinting()
Check for pretty printing setting.


public void tabStop()


public void startElement(String qName)
Start an XML element with a qualified name, up to and including the element name. Once this method has been called, clients can call the writeAttribute() or methods to add attributes and corresponding values. The starting element will be closed (that is, the trailing '>' character added) on any subsequent call to startElement(), comment(), lineBreak(), text(), endElement()


public void startElement(String prefix,
                         String localName)
Start an XML element with a namespace prefix and a localName.


public void endElement(String qName)
End an XML element with a qualified name.


public void endElement(String prefix,
                       String localName)
End an XML element with a namespace prefix and a localName.


public void endElementNow(String qName)
End an XML element with a qualified name.


public void endElementNow(String prefix,
                          String localName)
End an XML element with a namespace prefix and a localName.


public void lineBreak()
This method exists for the convenience of the JSP author in manually controlling the pretty printing of the buffered output.


public void attribute(String qName,
                      String value)
Write an attribute with qualified name and corresponding value. This method may only be called after a call to startElement(), and before the element has been closed.

IllegalStateException - if no element tag is currently open


public void attribute(String prefix,
                      String localName,
                      String value)
Write an attribute with this namespace prefix, and local name corresponding values. This method may only be called after a call to startElement(), and before the element has been closed.

IllegalStateException - if no element tag is currently open


public void text(Object text)

Write an object, after converting it to a String (if necessary), and after performing any escaping appropriate for the markup language being rendered. If there is an open element that has been created by a call to startElement(), that element will be closed first.

text - Text to be written
NullPointerException - if text is null


public void comment(Object comment)

Write a comment containing the specified text, after converting that text to a String (if necessary), and after performing any escaping appropriate for the markup language being rendered. If there is an open element that has been created by a call to startElement(), that element will be closed first.

comment - Text content of the comment
NullPointerException - if comment is null

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