a85p1 - Static variable in interface org.freehep.util.io.ASCII85
a85p2 - Static variable in interface org.freehep.util.io.ASCII85
a85p3 - Static variable in interface org.freehep.util.io.ASCII85
a85p4 - Static variable in interface org.freehep.util.io.ASCII85
accept(File) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.StandardFileFilter
Action - Class in org.freehep.util.io
Generic Action, to be used with the TagIn/OutputStreams.
Action(int) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.Action
Action.Unknown - Class in org.freehep.util.io
Used for not recognized actions.
Action.Unknown() - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.Action.Unknown
Create a special Action for Unknown Actions, with actioncode 0.
Action.Unknown(int) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.Action.Unknown
Create a special Action for Unknown Actions, with given action code.
ActionHeader - Class in org.freehep.util.io
Keeps the actionCode and Length of a specific action.
ActionHeader(int, long) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.ActionHeader
Creates an action header
actions - Variable in class org.freehep.util.io.ActionSet
This holds the individual actions.
ActionSet - Class in org.freehep.util.io
Class to keep registered Actions, which should be used by the TaggedIn/OutputStream.
ActionSet() - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.ActionSet
Creates an set for actions
actionSet - Variable in class org.freehep.util.io.TaggedInputStream
Set of actions that can be used by this Stream
actionSet - Variable in class org.freehep.util.io.TaggedOutputStream
Set of actions that can be used by this Stream
addAction(Action) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ActionSet
Adds an action to the set
addAction(Action) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.TaggedInputStream
Add action to action set.
addLineNumberListener(LineNumberWriter.LineNumberListener, int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.LineNumberWriter
Add a LineNumberListener
addPromptListener(String, PromptListener) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.PromptInputStream
Add a prompt listener for given prompt.
addRoute(String, String, RouteListener) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.RoutedInputStream
Adds a route for given start and end string.
addRoute(byte[], byte[], RouteListener) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.RoutedInputStream
Adds a route for given start and end marker.
addTag(Tag) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.TaggedInputStream
Add tag to tagset
addTag(Tag) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.TagSet
Add a new tag to this set.
append() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteCountOutputStream
Inserts the bytes written as header and puts the write pointer at the end of the stream.
ASCII85 - Interface in org.freehep.util.io
Constants for the ASCII85 encoding.
ASCII85InputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
The ASCII85InputStream decodes ASCII base-85 encoded data.
ASCII85InputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.ASCII85InputStream
Create an ASCII85 Input Stream from given stream.
ASCII85OutputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
The ASCII85InputStream encodes binary data as ASCII base-85 encoding.
ASCII85OutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.ASCII85OutputStream
Create an ASCII85 Output Stream from given stream
ASCIIHexInputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
The ASCIIHexOutputStream decodes ASCII Hexadecimal.
ASCIIHexInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.ASCIIHexInputStream
Create an ASCIIHex Input Stream from given stream
ASCIIHexInputStream(InputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.ASCIIHexInputStream
Create an ASCIIHex Input Stream from given stream and have it optionally ignore illegal characters
ASCIIHexOutputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
The ASCIIHexOutputStream encodes binary data as ASCII Hexadecimal.
ASCIIHexOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.ASCIIHexOutputStream
Create an ASCIIHex Output Stream for given stream.
available() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ReaderInputStream


Base64InputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
The Base64InputStream decodes binary data according to RFC 2045.
Base64InputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.Base64InputStream
Creates a Base64 input stream for given input
Base64OutputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
The Base64OutputStream encodes binary data according to RFC 2045.
Base64OutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.Base64OutputStream
Creates a Base64 output stream for given output
BIT_MASK - Static variable in class org.freehep.util.io.BitInputStream
BitInputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
Class to read bits from a Stream, allowing for byte synchronization.
BitInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.BitInputStream
Create a Bit input stream from viven input
BitOutputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
Class to write bits to a Stream, allowing for byte synchronization.
BitOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.BitOutputStream
Create a Bit output stream from given stream
byteAlign() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.BitInputStream
A utility to force the next read to be byte-aligned.
byteAlign() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.BitOutputStream
A utility to force the next write to be byte-aligned.
ByteCountInputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
The input buffer can be limited to less than the number of bytes of the underlying buffer.
ByteCountInputStream(InputStream, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.ByteCountInputStream
Create a Byte Count input stream from given stream
ByteCountOutputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
Allows to write to some internal buffer and keep count of any set of stacked buffers written.
ByteCountOutputStream(OutputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.ByteCountOutputStream
Create a Byte Count output stream from given stream
ByteOrderInputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
Class to read bytes and pairs of bytes in both little and big endian order.
ByteOrderInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
Create a byte order (big-endian) input stream from given stream.
ByteOrderInputStream(InputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
Create a byte order input stream from given stream.
ByteOrderOutputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
Class to write bytes and pairs of bytes in both little and big endian order.
ByteOrderOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
Create a (Big Endian) Byte Order output stream from given stream
ByteOrderOutputStream(OutputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
Create a Byte Order output stream from the given stream


C1 - Static variable in interface org.freehep.util.io.EEXECConstants
Constant for EEXEC
C2 - Static variable in interface org.freehep.util.io.EEXECConstants
Constant for EEXEC
CHARSTRING_R - Static variable in interface org.freehep.util.io.EEXECConstants
Constant for EEXEC
close() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ASCII85OutputStream
close() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ASCIIHexOutputStream
close() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.Base64OutputStream
close() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.BitOutputStream
close() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteCountOutputStream
closes the stream, inserting any non-written header.
close() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.CompressableOutputStream
close() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.EEXECDecryption
close() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.EEXECEncryption
close() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.LineNumberWriter
close() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.NoCloseInputStream
close() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.NoCloseOutputStream
close() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.NoCloseReader
close() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.NoCloseWriter
close() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ReaderInputStream
close() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.RoutedInputStream.Route
Closes the stream, and discards any bytes up to and including the end marker.
close() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.RunLengthOutputStream
close() - Method in interface org.freehep.util.io.TaggedOutput
Close the stream
close() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.WriterOutputStream
close() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.XMLSequence
CompressableOutputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
Special stream that can be used to write a header in uncompressed format, and the rest of the stream in compressed format.
CompressableOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.CompressableOutputStream
Creates a Compressable Output Stream from given stream.
ConditionalInputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
The ConditionalInputStream reads a stream and filters certain parts depending of properties and statements in the input.
ConditionalInputStream(InputStream, Properties) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.ConditionalInputStream
Creates a Conditional Input Stream from given stream.
CountedByteOutputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
The CountedByteOutputStream counts the number of bytes written.
CountedByteOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.CountedByteOutputStream
Creates a Counted Bytes output stream from the given stream.
createTagHeader(Tag, long) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.TaggedOutputStream
Returns newly created TagHeader.


DCTInputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
DCTInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.DCTInputStream
Creates a DCT input stream from the given input stream
DecompressableInputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
Special stream that can be used to read uncompressed first and compressed from a certain byte.
DecompressableInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.DecompressableInputStream
Creates a Decompressable input stream from given stream.
DEFAULT_TAG - Static variable in class org.freehep.util.io.Tag
This is the tagID for the default tag handler.
defaultAction - Variable in class org.freehep.util.io.ActionSet
defaultTag - Variable in class org.freehep.util.io.TagSet
The default tag handler.
DummyOutputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
Equivalent to writing to /dev/nul
DummyOutputStream() - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.DummyOutputStream
Creates a Dummy output steram.


EEXEC_R - Static variable in interface org.freehep.util.io.EEXECConstants
Constant for EEXEC
EEXECConstants - Interface in org.freehep.util.io
Constants for the EEXEC encoding (used by Type1 Fonts).
EEXECDecryption - Class in org.freehep.util.io
Decrypts using the EEXEC form (Used by Type 1 fonts).
EEXECDecryption(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.EEXECDecryption
Creates an EEXECDecryption from the given stream
EEXECDecryption(InputStream, int, int) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.EEXECDecryption
Creates an EEXECDecryption from the given stream
EEXECEncryption - Class in org.freehep.util.io
Encrypts using the EEXEC form (Used by Type 1 fonts).
EEXECEncryption(OutputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.EEXECEncryption
Creates an EEXECEncryption from given stream.
EEXECEncryption(OutputStream, int) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.EEXECEncryption
Creates an EEXECEncryption from given stream.
EEXECEncryption(OutputStream, int, int) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.EEXECEncryption
Creates an EEXECEncryption from given stream.
EncodingException - Exception in org.freehep.util.io
Encoding Exception for any of the encoding streams.
EncodingException(String) - Constructor for exception org.freehep.util.io.EncodingException
Creates an Encoding Exception
encryptString(int[], int, int) - Static method in class org.freehep.util.io.EEXECEncryption
Encrypt array of characters.
EOD - Static variable in interface org.freehep.util.io.RunLength
End of data code
exists(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ActionSet
Looks if an Action for code is in this set.
exists(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.TagSet
Finds out if Tag for TagID exists.


fetchByte() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.BitInputStream
A utility method to fetch the next byte in preparation for constructing a bit field.
FIELD_MASK - Static variable in class org.freehep.util.io.BitInputStream
finish() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ASCII85OutputStream
finish() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ASCIIHexOutputStream
finish() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.Base64OutputStream
finish() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.BitOutputStream
finish() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.CompressableOutputStream
finish() - Method in interface org.freehep.util.io.FinishableOutputStream
Finishes the current outputstream (compresses, flushes, caluclates CRC) and writes whatever is left in the buffers, but does not close the stream.
finish() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.FlateOutputStream
finish() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.RunLengthOutputStream
finish() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.UniquePrintStream
FinishableOutputStream - Interface in org.freehep.util.io
The FinishableOutputStream allows a generic way of calling finish on an output stream without closing it.
FlateInputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
The FlateInputStream uses the Deflate mechanism to compress data.
FlateInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.FlateInputStream
Create a (De)Flate input stream.
FlateOutputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
The FlateOutputStream uses the Deflate mechanism to compress data.
FlateOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.FlateOutputStream
Creates a (In-)Flate output stream.
flush() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.EEXECEncryption
flush() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.LineNumberWriter
flush() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.WriterOutputStream
flushByte() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.BitOutputStream
A utility method to flush the next byte


get(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ActionSet
Looks up the corresponding action for an action code.
get(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.TagSet
Find tag for tagID.
getAction() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ActionHeader
getAction() - Method in exception org.freehep.util.io.IncompleteActionException
getBufferLength() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteCountOutputStream
getBytes() - Method in exception org.freehep.util.io.IncompleteActionException
getBytes() - Method in exception org.freehep.util.io.IncompleteTagException
getCode() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.Action
getCount() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.CountedByteOutputStream
getEnd() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.RoutedInputStream.Route
Returns end marker.
getIndent() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.IndentPrintWriter
Return the current indent count
getIndentString() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.IndentPrintWriter
Return the current indentString
getLength() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ActionHeader
getLength() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteCountInputStream
getLength() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteCountOutputStream
getLength() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.TagHeader
getLineNo() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ASCII85InputStream
getLineNo() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ASCIIHexInputStream
getLineNo() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.Base64InputStream
getLineNumber() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.LineNumberWriter
Returns the line number that is currently being written.
getLineNumber() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.LineNumberWriter.LineNumberEvent
getName() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.Action
getName() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.Tag
Get the tag name.
getStart() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.RoutedInputStream.Route
Returns start marker.
getTag() - Method in exception org.freehep.util.io.IncompleteTagException
getTag() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.Tag
Get the tag number.
getTag() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.TagHeader
getTagAlignment() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.TaggedOutputStream
Specifies tag alignment: 1 byte, 2 short, 4 int and 8 long.
getTagHeader() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.TaggedInputStream
Returns the currently valid TagHeader.
getTagType() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.Tag
This returns the type of block
getTagType() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.UndefinedTag
getVersion() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.Tag
Get the version number.


hasNext() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.XMLSequence
Is another XML segment available.


IncompleteActionException - Exception in org.freehep.util.io
Exception for the TaggedInputStream.
IncompleteActionException(Action, byte[]) - Constructor for exception org.freehep.util.io.IncompleteActionException
Creates an Incomplete Action Exception
IncompleteTagException - Exception in org.freehep.util.io
Exception for the TaggedInputStream.
IncompleteTagException(Tag, byte[]) - Constructor for exception org.freehep.util.io.IncompleteTagException
Creates an Incomplete Tag Exception
indent() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.IndentPrintWriter
Increase the indentation
IndentPrintWriter - Class in org.freehep.util.io
A PrintWriter that keeps track of an indentation level and indents the output appropriately.
IndentPrintWriter(Writer, int) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.IndentPrintWriter
Creates an Indent PrintWriter.
IndentPrintWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.IndentPrintWriter
Creates an Indent PrintWriter with indentation level 0.


LENGTH - Static variable in interface org.freehep.util.io.RunLength
Maximum run length
lineNumberReached(LineNumberWriter.LineNumberEvent) - Method in interface org.freehep.util.io.LineNumberWriter.LineNumberListener
Called when the line number limit has been reached.
LineNumberWriter - Class in org.freehep.util.io
Counts line numbers, based on the first cr-lf, cr or lf it finds.
LineNumberWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.LineNumberWriter
Creates a Line Number Writer
LineNumberWriter.LineNumberEvent - Class in org.freehep.util.io
Event to be used by the LineNumberListener interface.
LineNumberWriter.LineNumberEvent(Object, int) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.LineNumberWriter.LineNumberEvent
Create a LineNumberEvent
LineNumberWriter.LineNumberListener - Interface in org.freehep.util.io
LineNumberListener interface can inform a listener about changes in the line number, or when a linenumber limit has been reached.
little - Variable in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
little - Variable in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.freehep.util.io.ASCII85InputStream
Print out ASCII85 of a file
mark(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ReaderInputStream
mark(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.XMLSequence
markSupported() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ReaderInputStream
markSupported() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.XMLSequence
MASK_SIZE - Static variable in class org.freehep.util.io.BitInputStream
MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE - Static variable in interface org.freehep.util.io.ASCII85
Maxmimum line length for ASCII85
minBits(float) - Static method in class org.freehep.util.io.BitOutputStream
calculates the minumum number of bits necessary to write number.
minBits(long) - Static method in class org.freehep.util.io.BitOutputStream
minBits(long, boolean) - Static method in class org.freehep.util.io.BitOutputStream


N - Static variable in interface org.freehep.util.io.EEXECConstants
Constant for EEXEC
next() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.XMLSequence
Returns the next XML segment.
NoCloseInputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
The NoCloseInputStream ignores the close so that one can keep reading from the underlying stream.
NoCloseInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.NoCloseInputStream
Creates a No Close Input Stream.
NoCloseInputStream(InputStream, int) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.NoCloseInputStream
Creates a No Close Input Stream.
NoCloseOutputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
The NoCloseOutputStream ignores the close so that one can keep writing to the underlying stream.
NoCloseOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.NoCloseOutputStream
Creates a No Close output stream.
NoCloseOutputStream(OutputStream, int) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.NoCloseOutputStream
Creates a No Close output stream.
NoCloseReader - Class in org.freehep.util.io
The NoCloseReader ignores the close so that one can keep reading from the underlying stream.
NoCloseReader(Reader) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.NoCloseReader
Creates a No Close Reader.
NoCloseReader(Reader, int) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.NoCloseReader
Creates a No Close Reader.
NoCloseWriter - Class in org.freehep.util.io
The NoCloseWriter ignores the close so that one can keep writing to the underlying stream.
NoCloseWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.NoCloseWriter
Creates a No Close Writer
NoCloseWriter(Writer, int) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.NoCloseWriter
Creates a No Close Writer


ONES - Static variable in class org.freehep.util.io.BitInputStream
org.freehep.util.io - package org.freehep.util.io
Set of Streams, Readers, Writers, Encoders and Decoders.
outdent() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.IndentPrintWriter
Decrease the indentation


popBuffer() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteCountInputStream
Pops the buffer from the stack and returns leftover bytes in a byte array
popBuffer() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteCountOutputStream
returns the number of bytes written since the last pushBuffer call.
popBufferBytes() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteCountOutputStream
Similar to pop buffer, but returns the actual byte[] buffer and then removes it from the bufferList so that subsequent appends will have no action.
print(boolean) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.IndentPrintWriter
print(char) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.IndentPrintWriter
print(char[]) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.IndentPrintWriter
print(double) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.IndentPrintWriter
print(float) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.IndentPrintWriter
print(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.IndentPrintWriter
print(long) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.IndentPrintWriter
print(Object) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.IndentPrintWriter
print(String) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.IndentPrintWriter
println() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.IndentPrintWriter
println(String) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.UniquePrintStream
promptFound(RoutedInputStream.Route) - Method in interface org.freehep.util.io.PromptListener
Prompt was found, and can now be read.
PromptInputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
The PromptInputStream reads from an inputstream until it reads any prompt for which a listener is added.
PromptInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.PromptInputStream
Craete a Prompt input stream.
PromptListener - Interface in org.freehep.util.io
Listener to inform that Prompt of the PromptInputStream has been found.
pushBuffer(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteCountInputStream
Push the current buffer to the stack
pushBuffer() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteCountOutputStream
Pushes the buffer and strat writing to a new one.


read(int, TaggedInputStream, int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.Action
Read an action from the input, with given actioncode and length
read(int, TaggedInputStream, int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.Action.Unknown
read() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ASCII85InputStream
read() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ASCIIHexInputStream
read() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.Base64InputStream
read() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteCountInputStream
read() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ConditionalInputStream
read() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.DCTInputStream
Read is not supported, only readImage.
read() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.DecompressableInputStream
read() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.EEXECDecryption
read() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ReaderInputStream
read(byte[]) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ReaderInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ReaderInputStream
read() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.RoutedInputStream
Returns the next byte on this stream, however if a start marker is found, the associated route listener is called, which should take over reading the stream.
read() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.RoutedInputStream.Route
Returns bytes of this specific route, starting with the start marker, followed by any bytes up to and including the end marker.
read() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.RunLengthInputStream
read(int, TaggedInputStream, int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.Tag
This reads the information from the given input and returns a new Tag
read(int, TaggedInputStream, int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.UndefinedTag
read() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.XMLSequence
readAction() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.TaggedInputStream
Reads action.
readActionHeader() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.TaggedInputStream
Decodes and returns the ActionHeader, which includes an actionCode and a length.
readAsciiZString() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
Read an ascii-z (0 terminated c-string).
readBitFlag() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.BitInputStream
Read a bit from the input stream and interpret this as a boolean value.
readBoolean() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
readByte() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
Read a signed byte.
readByte(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
Read n bytes and return in byte array.
readChar() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
readDouble() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
ReaderInputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
The ReaderInputStream makes a Reader look like an InputStream so one can use any of the filters.
ReaderInputStream(Reader) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.ReaderInputStream
Creates an InputStream from given Reader.
readFBits(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.BitInputStream
Read a float value of n-bits from the stream.
readFloat() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
readFully(byte[]) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
readFully(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
readImage() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.DCTInputStream
readImage() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.FlateInputStream
readInt() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
Read a signed integer.
readInt(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
Read n ints and return in int array.
readLine() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
readLong() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
readSBits(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.BitInputStream
Read a signed value of n-bits from the input stream.
readShort() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
Read a signed short.
readShort(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
Read n shorts and return in short array
readString() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
Read a string (UTF).
readTag() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.TaggedInputStream
Read a tag.
readTagHeader() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.TaggedInputStream
Decodes and returns the TagHeader, which includes a TagID and a length.
readUBits(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.BitInputStream
Read an unsigned value of n-bits from the input stream.
readUnsignedByte() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
Read an unsigned byte.
readUnsignedByte(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
Read n unsigned bytes and return in int array.
readUnsignedInt() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
Read an unsigned integer.
readUnsignedInt(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
Read n unsigned ints and return in long array.
readUnsignedShort() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
Read an unsigned short.
readUnsignedShort(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
Read n unsigned shorts and return in int array
readUTF() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
realClose() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.NoCloseInputStream
Close this stream (the normal close is ignored).
realClose() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.NoCloseOutputStream
Closes the stream (the close method is ignored).
realClose() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.NoCloseReader
Closes the reader (close is ignored).
realClose() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.NoCloseWriter
Closes the writer (close is ignored).
reset() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ReaderInputStream
reset() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.XMLSequence
RoutedInputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
The RoutedInputStream allows the user to add a listener for a certain delimited portion of the main inputstream.
RoutedInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.RoutedInputStream
Creates a RoutedInputStream from the underlying stream.
RoutedInputStream.Route - Class in org.freehep.util.io
Route which can be read up to and including the end marker.
RoutedInputStream.Route(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.RoutedInputStream.Route
Creates a route with given start and end marker.
routeFound(RoutedInputStream.Route) - Method in interface org.freehep.util.io.RouteListener
Route was found, input is supplied.
RouteListener - Interface in org.freehep.util.io
Listener to inform that a specific route of the RoutedInputStream has been found.
RunLength - Interface in org.freehep.util.io
Constants for the RunLength encoding.
RunLengthInputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
The RunLengthStream decodes Run Length encoding.
RunLengthInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.RunLengthInputStream
Create a Run Length input stream
RunLengthOutputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
The RunLengthOutputStream encodes data as Run Length encoding.
RunLengthOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.RunLengthOutputStream
Create a Run Length output stream


setAction(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ActionHeader
Sets the action code
setIndent(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.IndentPrintWriter
Set the current indent count
setIndentString(String) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.IndentPrintWriter
Set the current indentString.
setLength(long) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ActionHeader
Sets the length of this tag
setLength(long) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.TagHeader
Sets the length of the tag
setLineNumber(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.LineNumberWriter
Set the current line number
setTag(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.TagHeader
Sets the tag id
size() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
skip(long) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.DecompressableInputStream
skip(long) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ReaderInputStream
skipBytes(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderInputStream
StandardFileFilter - Class in org.freehep.util.io
Implements a standard file filter as is normally used in Unix and DOS.
StandardFileFilter(String) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.StandardFileFilter
Create a standard file filter
startCompressing() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.CompressableOutputStream
Start compressing from the next byte onwards.
startDecompressing() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.DecompressableInputStream
Start reading in compressed mode from the next byte.


Tag - Class in org.freehep.util.io
Generic Tag to be used by TaggedIn/OutputStreams.
Tag(int, int) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.Tag
TaggedInputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
Class to read Tagged blocks from a Stream.
TaggedInputStream(InputStream, TagSet, ActionSet) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.TaggedInputStream
Creates a Tagged Input Stream
TaggedInputStream(InputStream, TagSet, ActionSet, boolean) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.TaggedInputStream
Creates a Tagged Input Stream
TaggedOutput - Interface in org.freehep.util.io
TaggedOutputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
Class to write Tagged blocks to a Stream.
TaggedOutputStream(OutputStream, TagSet, ActionSet) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.TaggedOutputStream
Create a Tagged Output stream.
TaggedOutputStream(OutputStream, TagSet, ActionSet, boolean) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.TaggedOutputStream
Create a Tagged Output stream.
TagHeader - Class in org.freehep.util.io
Keeps the tagID and Length of a specific tag.
TagHeader(int, long) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.TagHeader
Creates a tag header
tags - Variable in class org.freehep.util.io.TagSet
This holds the individual tags.
tagSet - Variable in class org.freehep.util.io.TaggedInputStream
Set of tags that can be used by this Stream
tagSet - Variable in class org.freehep.util.io.TaggedOutputStream
Set of tags that can be used by this Stream
TagSet - Class in org.freehep.util.io
Class to keep registered Tags, which should be used by the TaggedIn/OutputStream.
TagSet() - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.TagSet
Creates a Tag Set.
toString() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.Action
toString() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.Action.Unknown
toString() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.LineNumberWriter.LineNumberEvent
toString() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.Tag
toString() - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.UndefinedTag


UndefinedTag - Class in org.freehep.util.io
Tag to hold the data for an Undefined Tag for the TaggedIn/OutputStreams.
UndefinedTag() - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.UndefinedTag
Create Undefined Tag with 0 length.
UndefinedTag(int, int[]) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.UndefinedTag
Create Undefined Tag.
UndefinedTagException - Exception in org.freehep.util.io
Exception for the TaggedOutputStream.
UndefinedTagException() - Constructor for exception org.freehep.util.io.UndefinedTagException
Create an Undefined Tag Exception.
UndefinedTagException(String) - Constructor for exception org.freehep.util.io.UndefinedTagException
Create an Undefined Tag Exception.
UndefinedTagException(int) - Constructor for exception org.freehep.util.io.UndefinedTagException
Create an Undefined Tag Exception.
UniquePrintStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
The UniquePrintStream keeps Strings buffered in sorted order, but any duplicates are removed.
UniquePrintStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.UniquePrintStream
Create a Unique Print Stream.


write(int, TaggedOutputStream) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.Action.Unknown
write(int, TaggedOutputStream) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.Action
Write an action to output
write(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ASCII85OutputStream
write(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ASCIIHexOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.Base64OutputStream
write(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.BitOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteCountOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.CompressableOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.CompressableOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.CountedByteOutputStream
write(byte[]) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.CountedByteOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.CountedByteOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.DummyOutputStream
write(byte[]) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.DummyOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.DummyOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.EEXECEncryption
write(char[]) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.LineNumberWriter
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.LineNumberWriter
write(String) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.LineNumberWriter
write(String, int, int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.LineNumberWriter
write(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.LineNumberWriter
write(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.RunLengthOutputStream
write(int, TaggedOutputStream) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.Tag
This writes the information to the given output
write(int, TaggedOutputStream) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.UndefinedTag
write(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.WriterOutputStream
write(byte[]) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.WriterOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.WriterOutputStream
writeAction(Action) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.TaggedOutputStream
Write action.
writeActionHeader(ActionHeader) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.TaggedOutputStream
Writes the ActionHeader, which includes an actionCode and a length.
writeAsciiZString(String) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
Write an ascii-z (0 terminated c-string).
writeBitFlag(boolean) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.BitOutputStream
Write a bit to the output stream.
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
writeByte(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
Write a signed byte.
writeByte(byte[]) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
Writes array of bytes
writeBytes(String) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
writeChar(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
writeChars(String) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
writeDouble(double) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
writeFBits(float, int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.BitOutputStream
Write a float value of n-bits to the stream.
writeFloat(float) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
writeInt(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
Write a signed integer.
writeInt(int[]) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
Write an array of ints
writeLong(long) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
WriterOutputStream - Class in org.freehep.util.io
The WriterOutputStream makes a Writer look like an OutputStream.
WriterOutputStream(Writer) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.WriterOutputStream
Create an Output Stream from given Writer.
writeSBits(long, int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.BitOutputStream
Write a signed value of n-bits to the output stream.
writeShort(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
Write a signed short.
writeShort(short[]) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
Write an array of shorts.
writeString(String) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
Write a string (UTF)
writeTag(Tag) - Method in interface org.freehep.util.io.TaggedOutput
Write a tag.
writeTag(Tag) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.TaggedOutputStream
writeTagHeader(TagHeader) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.TaggedOutputStream
Writes the TagHeader, which includes a TagID and a length.
writeUBits(long, int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.BitOutputStream
Write an unsigned value of n-bits to the output stream.
writeUnsignedByte(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
Write an unsigned byte.
writeUnsignedByte(int[]) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
Write an array of unsigned bytes.
writeUnsignedInt(long) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
Write an unsigned integer.
writeUnsignedInt(long[]) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
Write an array of unsigned ints
writeUnsignedShort(int) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
Write an unsigned short.
writeUnsignedShort(int[]) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
Write an array of unsigned shorts.
writeUTF(String) - Method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
writeUTF(String, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream
Write a UTF string to the data output stream.
written - Variable in class org.freehep.util.io.ByteOrderOutputStream


XMLSequence - Class in org.freehep.util.io
The XMLSequence allows parsing by an XML Parser of concatenated XML segments.
XMLSequence(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.freehep.util.io.XMLSequence
Create a XML Sequence.


ZERO - Static variable in class org.freehep.util.io.BitInputStream


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