Version v1.2.2

Package org.freehep.ant

Extensions to the Ant make/build system (see documentation).


Class Summary
FreeHepAnt Call FreeHep-Ant in a sub-project, which executes as a true sub-ant, without inheriting anything from the super-ant.
FreeHepCommand Reads a set a property files, listed in the "commands" property of the FreeHepCommand tag, and executes the commands listed in the property "command", if any of the files in the property "depends" are newer than the any of the files in the property "targets".
FreeHepDefined Checks if a property is defined and executes its target, or throws a message if specified.
FreeHepDelete Extends the standard "jar" task with a few options.
FreeHepExec Executes a given SET OF COMMANDS if the os platform is appropriate.
FreeHepJar Extends the standard "jar" task with a few options.
FreeHepJavac Extends the standard "javac" task with a few options.
FreeHepJavaCC Allows for multiple targets, but no output directory works with JavaCC 2.1 and 3.0
FreeHepJavadoc Allows for multiple link targets
FreeHepJavah Task to compile javah.
FreeHepJlink Extends the standard "jlink" task with a few options.
FreeHepJUnit Executes a given list tests.
FreeHepMain Is a copy of Main, from ANT, but with a public Constructor and runBuild.
FreeHepNotDefined Checks if a property is NOT defined and executes its target, or throws a message if specified.
FreeHepSignJar Extends the standard "signjar" task with a few options.

Package org.freehep.ant Description

Extensions to the Ant make/build system (see documentation).

Stable with ANT version 1.5.3

Version v1.2.2

Copyright © 2000-2003 FreeHEP, All Rights Reserved.