Version v1.1
Class PackageWriter


public class PackageWriter
extends AbstractPackageWriter

Class to generate file for each package contents in the right-hand frame. This will list all the Class Kinds in the package. A click on any class-kind will update the frame with the clicked class-kind page.

Atul M Dambalkar

Field Summary
protected  com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc next
          The next package name in the alpha-order list.
protected  com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc prev
          The prev package name in the alpha-order list.
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class
backpath, checkedSoucePath, configuration, displayLength, DOC_FILES_DIR_NAME, filename, path, relativepath, shouldCopyDocFiles
Fields inherited from class
fileseparator, htmlFilename, winTitle
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
PackageWriter(ConfigurationStandard configuration, String path, String filename, com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc packagedoc, com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc prev, com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc next)
          Constructor to construct PackageWriter object and to generate "package-summary.html" file in the respective package directory.
Method Summary
static void generate(ConfigurationStandard configuration, com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc pkg, com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc prev, com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc next)
          Generate a package summary page for the right-hand frame.
protected  void generateClassKindListing(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc[] arr, String label)
          Generate specific class kind listing.
protected  void generateClassListing()
          Generate class listing for all the classes in this package.
protected  void navLinkClassUse()
          Print "Use" link for this pacakge in the navigation bar.
protected  void navLinkNext()
          Print "NEXT PACKAGE" link in the navigation bar.
protected  void navLinkPrevious()
          Print "PREV PACKAGE" link in the navigation bar.
protected  void navLinkTree()
          Print "Tree" link in the navigation bar.
protected  void printFirstRow(String label)
          Print the table heading for the class-listing.
protected  void printPackageComment()
          Print the package comment as specified in the "packages.html" file in the source package directory.
protected  void printPackageDescription()
          Print the package description and the tag information from the "packages.html" file.
protected  void printPackageFooter()
          Print the navigation bar links at the bottom also print the "-bottom" if specified on the command line.
protected  void printPackageHeader(String heading)
          Print one line summary cooment for the package at the top of the page and add link to the description which is generated at the end of the page.
Methods inherited from class
generatePackageFile, navLinkPackage
Methods inherited from class
boldText, boldText, boldText, commentTagsToString, configuration, copyDocFiles, error, error, frame, frameEnd, frameSet, frameSetEnd, generateTagInfo, getClassLink, getClassLink, getClassLink, getClassLink, getClassLink, getClassLink, getCrossClassLink, getCrossPackageLink, getDocLink, getDocLink, getNoFramesTargetHyperLink, getPackageLink, getPackageLink, getPackageLink, getPackageLink, getPreQualifiedClassLink, getPreQualifiedClassLink, getQualifiedClassLink, getSourcePath, getTargetHyperLink, getText, getText, getText, getText, isCoreClass, isCrossClassIncluded, isGeneratedDoc, italicsClassName, msg, navCellEnd, navCellRevStart, navCellStart, navDetail, navHideLists, navHideLists, navLinkClass, navLinkClassIndex, navLinkContents, navLinkDeprecated, navLinkHelp, navLinkIndex, navLinkMainTree, navLinkNext, navLinkPackage, navLinkPrevious, navLinks, navShowLists, navShowLists, navSummary, notice, notice, pathString, pathString, pathToClass, printBoldTargetHyperLink, printBottom, printClassLink, printClassLink, printClassLink, printClassLink, printClassLink, printClassLink, printClassLink, printClassLinkForSameDir, printDocLink, printDocLink, printHeader, printIndexHeading, printInlineComment, printInlineComment, printInlineDeprecatedComment, printInlineDeprecatedComment, printNoFramesBoldTargetHyperLink, printPackageLink, printPackageLink, printPackageLink, printPreQualifiedBoldClassLink, printPreQualifiedClassLink, printQualifiedClassLink, printSinceTag, printSrcLink, printStyleSheetProperties, printSummaryComment, printSummaryDeprecatedComment, printSummaryDeprecatedComment, printSummaryDetailLinks, printTargetClassLink, printTargetHyperLink, printTargetHyperLink, printTargetHyperLink, printTargetPackageLink, printText, printText, printText, printUserHeaderFooter, removeNonInlineTags, replace, replaceDocRootDir, replaceInheritDoc, seeTagToString, serialClassInclude, serialDocInclude, serialInclude, summaryRow, summaryRowEnd, tableHeaderEnd, tableHeaderStart, tableHeaderStart, tableHeaderStart, tableHeaderStart, tableIndexDetail, tableIndexSummary, tableInheritedHeaderEnd, tableInheritedHeaderStart, tableUseInfoHeaderStart, tdIndex, warning, warning, warning
Methods inherited from class
getHyperLink, getHyperLink, getHyperLink, getPkgName, printBodyHtmlEnd, printFooter, printFrameFooter, printHyperLink, printHyperLink, printHyperLink, printHyperLink, printNbsps, printPartialHeader, printPkgName, spaces, today
Methods inherited from class
address, addressEnd, aEnd, aName, anchor, anchor, blockquote, blockquoteEnd, body, body, bodyEnd, bold, bold, boldEnd, br, center, centerEnd, code, codeEnd, codeText, commentEnd, commentStart, dd, ddEnd, dl, dlEnd, dt, em, emEnd, font, fontEnd, fontSizeStyle, fontStyle, genWriter, getBold, getBoldEnd, getCode, getCodeEnd, getFontColor, getFontEnd, getScriptCode, h1, h1, h1End, h2, h2, h2End, h3, h3, h3End, h4, h4, h4End, h5, h5End, head, headEnd, hr, hr, hr, html, htmlEnd, img, italic, italicEnd, italics, italicsText, li, li, link, menu, menuEnd, noFrames, noFramesEnd, p, pEnd, pre, preEnd, space, sup, supEnd, table, table, table, table, tableEnd, td, tdAlign, tdAlignRowspan, tdAlignVAlign, tdAlignVAlignRowspan, tdBgcolorStyle, tdColspan, tdColspanBgcolorStyle, tdEnd, tdNowrap, tdVAlign, tdVAlignClass, tdWidth, title, title, titleEnd, tr, trAlignVAlign, trBgcolor, trBgcolorStyle, trEnd, ul, ulEnd
Methods inherited from class
checkError, close, flush, print, print, print, print, print, print, print, print, print, println, println, println, println, println, println, println, println, println, println, setError, write, write, write, write, write
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc prev
The prev package name in the alpha-order list.


protected com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc next
The next package name in the alpha-order list.

Constructor Detail


public PackageWriter(ConfigurationStandard configuration,
                     String path,
                     String filename,
                     com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc packagedoc,
                     com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc prev,
                     com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc next)
              throws IOException
Constructor to construct PackageWriter object and to generate "package-summary.html" file in the respective package directory. For example for package "java.lang" this will generate file "package-summary.html" file in the "java/lang" directory. It will also create "java/lang" directory in the current or the destination directory if it doesen't exist.

path - Directories in this path will be created if they are not already there.
filename - Name of the package summary file to be generated, "package-frame.html".
packagedoc - PackageDoc under consideration.
prev - Previous package in the sorted array.
next - Next package in the sorted array.
Method Detail


public static void generate(ConfigurationStandard configuration,
                            com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc pkg,
                            com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc prev,
                            com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc next)
Generate a package summary page for the right-hand frame. Construct the PackageFrameWriter object and then uses it generate the file.

pkg - The package for which "pacakge-summary.html" is to be generated.
prev - Previous package in the sorted array.
next - Next package in the sorted array.


protected void generateClassListing()
Generate class listing for all the classes in this package. Divide class listing as per the class kind and generate separate listing for Classes, Interfaces, Exceptions and Errors.

Specified by:
generateClassListing in class AbstractPackageWriter


protected void generateClassKindListing(com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc[] arr,
                                        String label)
Generate specific class kind listing. Also add label to the listing.

arr - Array of specific class kinds, namely Class or Interface or Exception or Error.
label - Label for the listing


protected void printFirstRow(String label)
Print the table heading for the class-listing.

label - Label for the Class kind listing.


protected void printPackageComment()
Print the package comment as specified in the "packages.html" file in the source package directory.


protected void printPackageDescription()
                                throws IOException
Print the package description and the tag information from the "packages.html" file.

Specified by:
printPackageDescription in class AbstractPackageWriter


protected void printPackageHeader(String heading)
Print one line summary cooment for the package at the top of the page and add link to the description which is generated at the end of the page.

Specified by:
printPackageHeader in class AbstractPackageWriter
heading - Package name.


protected void printPackageFooter()
Print the navigation bar links at the bottom also print the "-bottom" if specified on the command line.

Specified by:
printPackageFooter in class AbstractPackageWriter


protected void navLinkClassUse()
Print "Use" link for this pacakge in the navigation bar.

navLinkClassUse in class HtmlStandardWriter


protected void navLinkPrevious()
Print "PREV PACKAGE" link in the navigation bar.

navLinkPrevious in class HtmlStandardWriter


protected void navLinkNext()
Print "NEXT PACKAGE" link in the navigation bar.

navLinkNext in class HtmlStandardWriter


protected void navLinkTree()
Print "Tree" link in the navigation bar. This will be link to the package tree file.

navLinkTree in class HtmlStandardWriter

Version v1.1

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