Version v1.1
Class PackageIndexWriter


public class PackageIndexWriter
extends AbstractPackageIndexWriter

Generate the package index page "overview-summary.html" for the right-hand frame. A click on the package name on this page will update the same frame with the "pacakge-summary.html" file for the clicked package.

Atul M Dambalkar

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class
backpath, checkedSoucePath, configuration, displayLength, DOC_FILES_DIR_NAME, filename, path, relativepath, shouldCopyDocFiles
Fields inherited from class
fileseparator, htmlFilename, winTitle
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
PackageIndexWriter(ConfigurationStandard configuration, String filename)
          Construct the PackageIndexWriter.
Method Summary
static void generate(ConfigurationStandard configuration)
          Generate the package index page for the right-hand frame.
protected  void generateIndex()
          Depending upon the grouping information and their titles, generate separate table indices for each package group.
protected  void printIndexFooter()
          Print Html closing tags for the table for this package index.
protected  void printIndexHeader(String text)
          Print Html tags for the table for this package index.
protected  void printIndexRow(com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc packagedoc)
          Print each package in separate rows in the index table.
protected  void printNavigationBarFooter()
          Print the footer fornavigation bar.
protected  void printNavigationBarHeader()
          Print the header for navigation bar.
protected  void printOverview()
          Call printOverviewComment() and then genrate the tag information as provided in the file specified by the "-overview" option on the command line.
protected  void printOverviewComment()
          Print the overview comment as provided in the file specified by the "-overview" option on the command line.
protected  void printOverviewHeader()
          Print the overview summary comment for this documentation.
Methods inherited from class
generatePackageIndexFile, navLinkContents, printAllClassesPackagesLink, printConfigurationTitle, printIndexContents
Methods inherited from class
boldText, boldText, boldText, commentTagsToString, configuration, copyDocFiles, error, error, frame, frameEnd, frameSet, frameSetEnd, generateTagInfo, getClassLink, getClassLink, getClassLink, getClassLink, getClassLink, getClassLink, getCrossClassLink, getCrossPackageLink, getDocLink, getDocLink, getNoFramesTargetHyperLink, getPackageLink, getPackageLink, getPackageLink, getPackageLink, getPreQualifiedClassLink, getPreQualifiedClassLink, getQualifiedClassLink, getSourcePath, getTargetHyperLink, getText, getText, getText, getText, isCoreClass, isCrossClassIncluded, isGeneratedDoc, italicsClassName, msg, navCellEnd, navCellRevStart, navCellStart, navDetail, navHideLists, navHideLists, navLinkClass, navLinkClassIndex, navLinkClassUse, navLinkDeprecated, navLinkHelp, navLinkIndex, navLinkMainTree, navLinkNext, navLinkNext, navLinkPackage, navLinkPackage, navLinkPrevious, navLinkPrevious, navLinks, navLinkTree, navShowLists, navShowLists, navSummary, notice, notice, pathString, pathString, pathToClass, printBoldTargetHyperLink, printBottom, printClassLink, printClassLink, printClassLink, printClassLink, printClassLink, printClassLink, printClassLink, printClassLinkForSameDir, printDocLink, printDocLink, printHeader, printIndexHeading, printInlineComment, printInlineComment, printInlineDeprecatedComment, printInlineDeprecatedComment, printNoFramesBoldTargetHyperLink, printPackageLink, printPackageLink, printPackageLink, printPreQualifiedBoldClassLink, printPreQualifiedClassLink, printQualifiedClassLink, printSinceTag, printSrcLink, printStyleSheetProperties, printSummaryComment, printSummaryDeprecatedComment, printSummaryDeprecatedComment, printSummaryDetailLinks, printTargetClassLink, printTargetHyperLink, printTargetHyperLink, printTargetHyperLink, printTargetPackageLink, printText, printText, printText, printUserHeaderFooter, removeNonInlineTags, replace, replaceDocRootDir, replaceInheritDoc, seeTagToString, serialClassInclude, serialDocInclude, serialInclude, summaryRow, summaryRowEnd, tableHeaderEnd, tableHeaderStart, tableHeaderStart, tableHeaderStart, tableHeaderStart, tableIndexDetail, tableIndexSummary, tableInheritedHeaderEnd, tableInheritedHeaderStart, tableUseInfoHeaderStart, tdIndex, warning, warning, warning
Methods inherited from class
getHyperLink, getHyperLink, getHyperLink, getPkgName, printBodyHtmlEnd, printFooter, printFrameFooter, printHyperLink, printHyperLink, printHyperLink, printHyperLink, printNbsps, printPartialHeader, printPkgName, spaces, today
Methods inherited from class
address, addressEnd, aEnd, aName, anchor, anchor, blockquote, blockquoteEnd, body, body, bodyEnd, bold, bold, boldEnd, br, center, centerEnd, code, codeEnd, codeText, commentEnd, commentStart, dd, ddEnd, dl, dlEnd, dt, em, emEnd, font, fontEnd, fontSizeStyle, fontStyle, genWriter, getBold, getBoldEnd, getCode, getCodeEnd, getFontColor, getFontEnd, getScriptCode, h1, h1, h1End, h2, h2, h2End, h3, h3, h3End, h4, h4, h4End, h5, h5End, head, headEnd, hr, hr, hr, html, htmlEnd, img, italic, italicEnd, italics, italicsText, li, li, link, menu, menuEnd, noFrames, noFramesEnd, p, pEnd, pre, preEnd, space, sup, supEnd, table, table, table, table, tableEnd, td, tdAlign, tdAlignRowspan, tdAlignVAlign, tdAlignVAlignRowspan, tdBgcolorStyle, tdColspan, tdColspanBgcolorStyle, tdEnd, tdNowrap, tdVAlign, tdVAlignClass, tdWidth, title, title, titleEnd, tr, trAlignVAlign, trBgcolor, trBgcolorStyle, trEnd, ul, ulEnd
Methods inherited from class
checkError, close, flush, print, print, print, print, print, print, print, print, print, println, println, println, println, println, println, println, println, println, println, setError, write, write, write, write, write
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PackageIndexWriter(ConfigurationStandard configuration,
                          String filename)
                   throws IOException
Construct the PackageIndexWriter. Also constructs the grouping information as provided on the command line by "-group" option. Stores the order of groups specified by the user.

See Also:
Method Detail


public static void generate(ConfigurationStandard configuration)
Generate the package index page for the right-hand frame.



protected void printIndexRow(com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc packagedoc)
Print each package in separate rows in the index table. Generate link to each package.

Specified by:
printIndexRow in class AbstractPackageIndexWriter
packagedoc - Package to which link is to be generated.


protected void generateIndex()
Depending upon the grouping information and their titles, generate separate table indices for each package group.

generateIndex in class AbstractPackageIndexWriter


protected void printOverviewHeader()
Print the overview summary comment for this documentation. Print one line summary at the top of the page and generate a link to the description, which is generated at the end of this page.

Specified by:
printOverviewHeader in class AbstractPackageIndexWriter


protected void printIndexHeader(String text)
Print Html tags for the table for this package index.

Specified by:
printIndexHeader in class AbstractPackageIndexWriter


protected void printIndexFooter()
Print Html closing tags for the table for this package index.

Specified by:
printIndexFooter in class AbstractPackageIndexWriter


protected void printOverviewComment()
Print the overview comment as provided in the file specified by the "-overview" option on the command line.


protected void printOverview()
                      throws IOException
Call printOverviewComment() and then genrate the tag information as provided in the file specified by the "-overview" option on the command line.

printOverview in class AbstractPackageIndexWriter


protected void printNavigationBarHeader()
Print the header for navigation bar. Also print the "-title" specified on command line, at the top of page.

Specified by:
printNavigationBarHeader in class AbstractPackageIndexWriter


protected void printNavigationBarFooter()
Print the footer fornavigation bar. Also print the "-bottom" specified on command line, at the top of page.

Specified by:
printNavigationBarFooter in class AbstractPackageIndexWriter

Version v1.1

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