Version v1.1
Class HelpWriter


public class HelpWriter
extends HtmlStandardWriter

Generate the Help File for the generated API documentation. The help file contents are helpful for browsing the generated documentation.

Atul M Dambalkar

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
backpath, checkedSoucePath, configuration, displayLength, DOC_FILES_DIR_NAME, filename, path, relativepath, shouldCopyDocFiles
Fields inherited from class
fileseparator, htmlFilename, winTitle
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
HelpWriter(ConfigurationStandard configuration, String filename)
          Constructor to construct HelpWriter object.
Method Summary
static void generate(ConfigurationStandard configuration)
          Construct the HelpWriter object and then use it to generate the help file.
protected  void generateHelpFile()
          Generate the help file contents.
protected  void navLinkHelp()
          Highlight the word "Help" in the navigation bar as this is the help file.
protected  void printHelpFileContents()
          Print the help file contents from the resource file.
Methods inherited from class
boldText, boldText, boldText, commentTagsToString, configuration, copyDocFiles, error, error, frame, frameEnd, frameSet, frameSetEnd, generateTagInfo, getClassLink, getClassLink, getClassLink, getClassLink, getClassLink, getClassLink, getCrossClassLink, getCrossPackageLink, getDocLink, getDocLink, getNoFramesTargetHyperLink, getPackageLink, getPackageLink, getPackageLink, getPackageLink, getPreQualifiedClassLink, getPreQualifiedClassLink, getQualifiedClassLink, getSourcePath, getTargetHyperLink, getText, getText, getText, getText, isCoreClass, isCrossClassIncluded, isGeneratedDoc, italicsClassName, msg, navCellEnd, navCellRevStart, navCellStart, navDetail, navHideLists, navHideLists, navLinkClass, navLinkClassIndex, navLinkClassUse, navLinkContents, navLinkDeprecated, navLinkIndex, navLinkMainTree, navLinkNext, navLinkNext, navLinkPackage, navLinkPackage, navLinkPrevious, navLinkPrevious, navLinks, navLinkTree, navShowLists, navShowLists, navSummary, notice, notice, pathString, pathString, pathToClass, printBoldTargetHyperLink, printBottom, printClassLink, printClassLink, printClassLink, printClassLink, printClassLink, printClassLink, printClassLink, printClassLinkForSameDir, printDocLink, printDocLink, printHeader, printIndexHeading, printInlineComment, printInlineComment, printInlineDeprecatedComment, printInlineDeprecatedComment, printNoFramesBoldTargetHyperLink, printPackageLink, printPackageLink, printPackageLink, printPreQualifiedBoldClassLink, printPreQualifiedClassLink, printQualifiedClassLink, printSinceTag, printSrcLink, printStyleSheetProperties, printSummaryComment, printSummaryDeprecatedComment, printSummaryDeprecatedComment, printSummaryDetailLinks, printTargetClassLink, printTargetHyperLink, printTargetHyperLink, printTargetHyperLink, printTargetPackageLink, printText, printText, printText, printUserHeaderFooter, removeNonInlineTags, replace, replaceDocRootDir, replaceInheritDoc, seeTagToString, serialClassInclude, serialDocInclude, serialInclude, summaryRow, summaryRowEnd, tableHeaderEnd, tableHeaderStart, tableHeaderStart, tableHeaderStart, tableHeaderStart, tableIndexDetail, tableIndexSummary, tableInheritedHeaderEnd, tableInheritedHeaderStart, tableUseInfoHeaderStart, tdIndex, warning, warning, warning
Methods inherited from class
getHyperLink, getHyperLink, getHyperLink, getPkgName, printBodyHtmlEnd, printFooter, printFrameFooter, printHyperLink, printHyperLink, printHyperLink, printHyperLink, printNbsps, printPartialHeader, printPkgName, spaces, today
Methods inherited from class
address, addressEnd, aEnd, aName, anchor, anchor, blockquote, blockquoteEnd, body, body, bodyEnd, bold, bold, boldEnd, br, center, centerEnd, code, codeEnd, codeText, commentEnd, commentStart, dd, ddEnd, dl, dlEnd, dt, em, emEnd, font, fontEnd, fontSizeStyle, fontStyle, genWriter, getBold, getBoldEnd, getCode, getCodeEnd, getFontColor, getFontEnd, getScriptCode, h1, h1, h1End, h2, h2, h2End, h3, h3, h3End, h4, h4, h4End, h5, h5End, head, headEnd, hr, hr, hr, html, htmlEnd, img, italic, italicEnd, italics, italicsText, li, li, link, menu, menuEnd, noFrames, noFramesEnd, p, pEnd, pre, preEnd, space, sup, supEnd, table, table, table, table, tableEnd, td, tdAlign, tdAlignRowspan, tdAlignVAlign, tdAlignVAlignRowspan, tdBgcolorStyle, tdColspan, tdColspanBgcolorStyle, tdEnd, tdNowrap, tdVAlign, tdVAlignClass, tdWidth, title, title, titleEnd, tr, trAlignVAlign, trBgcolor, trBgcolorStyle, trEnd, ul, ulEnd
Methods inherited from class
checkError, close, flush, print, print, print, print, print, print, print, print, print, println, println, println, println, println, println, println, println, println, println, setError, write, write, write, write, write
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public HelpWriter(ConfigurationStandard configuration,
                  String filename)
           throws IOException
Constructor to construct HelpWriter object.

filename - File to be generated.
Method Detail


public static void generate(ConfigurationStandard configuration)
Construct the HelpWriter object and then use it to generate the help file. The name of the generated file is "help-doc.html". The help file will get generated if and only if "-helpfile" and "-nohelp" is not used on the command line.



protected void generateHelpFile()
Generate the help file contents.


protected void printHelpFileContents()
Print the help file contents from the resource file. While generating the help file contents it also keeps track of user options. If "-notree" is used, then the "overview-tree.html" will not get generated and hence help information also will not get generated.


protected void navLinkHelp()
Highlight the word "Help" in the navigation bar as this is the help file.

navLinkHelp in class HtmlStandardWriter

Version v1.1

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