Version v1.1
Class FrameOutputWriter


public class FrameOutputWriter
extends HtmlStandardWriter

Generate the documentation in the Html "frame" format in the browser. The generated documentation will have two or three frames depending upon the number of packages on the command line. In general there will be three frames in the output, a left-hand top frame will have a list of all packages with links to target left-hand bottom frame. The left-hand bottom frame will have the particular package contents or the all-classes list, where as the single right-hand frame will have overview or package summary or class file. Also take care of browsers which do not support Html frames.

Atul M Dambalkar

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
backpath, checkedSoucePath, configuration, displayLength, DOC_FILES_DIR_NAME, filename, path, relativepath, shouldCopyDocFiles
Fields inherited from class
fileseparator, htmlFilename, winTitle
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
FrameOutputWriter(ConfigurationStandard configuration, String filename)
          Constructor to construct FrameOutputWriter object.
Method Summary
static void generate(ConfigurationStandard configuration)
          Construct FrameOutputWriter object and then use it to generate the Html file which will have the description of all the frames in the documentation.
protected  void generateFrameFile()
          Generate the contants in the "index.html" file.
protected  void printFrameDetails()
          Print the frame sizes and their contents.
protected  void printFrameWarning()
          Generate the code for issueing the warning for a non-frame capable web client.
Methods inherited from class
boldText, boldText, boldText, commentTagsToString, configuration, copyDocFiles, error, error, frame, frameEnd, frameSet, frameSetEnd, generateTagInfo, getClassLink, getClassLink, getClassLink, getClassLink, getClassLink, getClassLink, getCrossClassLink, getCrossPackageLink, getDocLink, getDocLink, getNoFramesTargetHyperLink, getPackageLink, getPackageLink, getPackageLink, getPackageLink, getPreQualifiedClassLink, getPreQualifiedClassLink, getQualifiedClassLink, getSourcePath, getTargetHyperLink, getText, getText, getText, getText, isCoreClass, isCrossClassIncluded, isGeneratedDoc, italicsClassName, msg, navCellEnd, navCellRevStart, navCellStart, navDetail, navHideLists, navHideLists, navLinkClass, navLinkClassIndex, navLinkClassUse, navLinkContents, navLinkDeprecated, navLinkHelp, navLinkIndex, navLinkMainTree, navLinkNext, navLinkNext, navLinkPackage, navLinkPackage, navLinkPrevious, navLinkPrevious, navLinks, navLinkTree, navShowLists, navShowLists, navSummary, notice, notice, pathString, pathString, pathToClass, printBoldTargetHyperLink, printBottom, printClassLink, printClassLink, printClassLink, printClassLink, printClassLink, printClassLink, printClassLink, printClassLinkForSameDir, printDocLink, printDocLink, printHeader, printIndexHeading, printInlineComment, printInlineComment, printInlineDeprecatedComment, printInlineDeprecatedComment, printNoFramesBoldTargetHyperLink, printPackageLink, printPackageLink, printPackageLink, printPreQualifiedBoldClassLink, printPreQualifiedClassLink, printQualifiedClassLink, printSinceTag, printSrcLink, printStyleSheetProperties, printSummaryComment, printSummaryDeprecatedComment, printSummaryDeprecatedComment, printSummaryDetailLinks, printTargetClassLink, printTargetHyperLink, printTargetHyperLink, printTargetHyperLink, printTargetPackageLink, printText, printText, printText, printUserHeaderFooter, removeNonInlineTags, replace, replaceDocRootDir, replaceInheritDoc, seeTagToString, serialClassInclude, serialDocInclude, serialInclude, summaryRow, summaryRowEnd, tableHeaderEnd, tableHeaderStart, tableHeaderStart, tableHeaderStart, tableHeaderStart, tableIndexDetail, tableIndexSummary, tableInheritedHeaderEnd, tableInheritedHeaderStart, tableUseInfoHeaderStart, tdIndex, warning, warning, warning
Methods inherited from class
getHyperLink, getHyperLink, getHyperLink, getPkgName, printBodyHtmlEnd, printFooter, printFrameFooter, printHyperLink, printHyperLink, printHyperLink, printHyperLink, printNbsps, printPartialHeader, printPkgName, spaces, today
Methods inherited from class
address, addressEnd, aEnd, aName, anchor, anchor, blockquote, blockquoteEnd, body, body, bodyEnd, bold, bold, boldEnd, br, center, centerEnd, code, codeEnd, codeText, commentEnd, commentStart, dd, ddEnd, dl, dlEnd, dt, em, emEnd, font, fontEnd, fontSizeStyle, fontStyle, genWriter, getBold, getBoldEnd, getCode, getCodeEnd, getFontColor, getFontEnd, getScriptCode, h1, h1, h1End, h2, h2, h2End, h3, h3, h3End, h4, h4, h4End, h5, h5End, head, headEnd, hr, hr, hr, html, htmlEnd, img, italic, italicEnd, italics, italicsText, li, li, link, menu, menuEnd, noFrames, noFramesEnd, p, pEnd, pre, preEnd, space, sup, supEnd, table, table, table, table, tableEnd, td, tdAlign, tdAlignRowspan, tdAlignVAlign, tdAlignVAlignRowspan, tdBgcolorStyle, tdColspan, tdColspanBgcolorStyle, tdEnd, tdNowrap, tdVAlign, tdVAlignClass, tdWidth, title, title, titleEnd, tr, trAlignVAlign, trBgcolor, trBgcolorStyle, trEnd, ul, ulEnd
Methods inherited from class
checkError, close, flush, print, print, print, print, print, print, print, print, print, println, println, println, println, println, println, println, println, println, println, setError, write, write, write, write, write
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FrameOutputWriter(ConfigurationStandard configuration,
                         String filename)
                  throws IOException
Constructor to construct FrameOutputWriter object.

filename - File to be generated.
Method Detail


public static void generate(ConfigurationStandard configuration)
Construct FrameOutputWriter object and then use it to generate the Html file which will have the description of all the frames in the documentation. The name of the generated file is "index.html" which is the default first file for Html documents.



protected void generateFrameFile()
Generate the contants in the "index.html" file. Print the frame details as well as warning if browser is not supporting the Html frames.


protected void printFrameWarning()
Generate the code for issueing the warning for a non-frame capable web client. Also provide links to the non-frame version documentation.


protected void printFrameDetails()
Print the frame sizes and their contents.

Version v1.1

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