Version v1.1

Package org.freehep.graphicsio.cgm

CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) Output Format.


Class Summary
AlternateCharacterSetIndex AlternateCharacterSetIndex TAG.
AppendText AppendText TAG.
ApplicationData ApplicationData TAG.
AspectSourceFlags AspectSourceFlags TAG.
AuxiliaryColor AuxiliaryColor TAG.
BackgroundColor BackgroundColor TAG.
BeginFigure BeginFigure TAG.
BeginMetafile BeginMetafile TAG.
BeginPicture BeginPicture TAG.
BeginPictureBody BeginPictureBody TAG.
BeginSegment BeginSegment TAG.
CellArray CellArray TAG.
CGMExportFileType // FIXME, check all options
CGMGraphics2D Implementation of VectorGraphics that writes the output to a CGM file.
CGMOutputStream CGM Binary Output Stream.
CGMTag CGM specific tag, from which all other CGM Tags inherit.
CGMTagSet CGM specific tagset.
CGMWriter CGM Clear Text Writer.
CharacterCodingAnnouncer CharacterCodingAnnouncer TAG.
CharacterExpansionFactor CharacterExpansionFactor TAG.
CharacterHeight CharacterHeight TAG.
CharacterOrientation CharacterOrientation TAG.
CharacterSetIndex CharacterSetIndex TAG.
CharacterSetList CharacterSetList TAG.
CharacterSpacing CharacterSpacing TAG.
Circle Circle TAG.
CircularArc3Point CircularArc3Point TAG.
CircularArc3PointClose CircularArc3PointClose TAG.
CircularArcCentre CircularArcCentre TAG.
CircularArcCentreClose CircularArcCentreClose TAG.
ClipIndicator ClipIndicator TAG.
ClipRectangle ClipRectangle TAG.
ColorIndexPrecision ColorIndexPrecision TAG.
ColorPrecision ColorPrecision TAG.
ColorSelectionMode ColorSelectionMode TAG.
ColorTable ColorTable TAG.
ColorValueExtent ColorValueExtent TAG.
ConnectingEdge ConnectingEdge TAG.
DisjointPolyline DisjointPolyline TAG.
EdgeBundleIndex EdgeBundleIndex TAG.
EdgeCap EdgeCap TAG.
EdgeColor EdgeColor TAG.
EdgeJoin LineJoin TAG.
EdgeType EdgeType TAG.
EdgeVisibility EdgeVisibility TAG.
EdgeWidth EdgeWidth TAG.
EdgeWidthSpecificationMode EdgeWidthSpecificationMode TAG.
Ellipse Ellipse TAG.
EllipticalArc EllipticalArc TAG.
EllipticalArcClose EllipticalArcClose TAG.
EndFigure EndFigure TAG.
EndMetafile EndMetafile TAG.
EndPicture EndPicture TAG.
EndSegment EndSegment TAG.
Escape Escape TAG.
FillBundleIndex FillBundleIndex TAG.
FillColor FillColor TAG.
FillReferencePoint FillReferencePoint TAG.
FontList FontList TAG.
GeneralizedDrawingPrimitive GeneralizedDrawingPrimitive TAG.
HatchIndex HatchIndex TAG.
IndexPrecision IndexPrecision TAG.
IntegerPrecision IntegerPrecision TAG.
InteriorStyle InteriorStyle TAG.
InteriorStyleSpecificationMode InteriorStyleSpecificationMode TAG.
LineBundleIndex LineBundleIndex TAG.
LineCap LineCap TAG.
LineColor LineBundleIndex TAG.
LineJoin LineJoin TAG.
LineType LineType TAG.
LineWidth LineWidth TAG.
LineWidthSpecificationMode LineWidthSpecificationMode TAG.
MarkerBundleIndex MarkerBundleIndex TAG.
MarkerColor MarkerColor TAG.
MarkerSize MarkerSize TAG.
MarkerSizeSpecificationMode MarkerSizeSpecificationMode TAG.
MarkerType MarkerType TAG.
MaximumColorIndex MaximumColorIndex TAG.
MaximumVDCExtent MaximumVDCExtent TAG.
Message Message TAG.
MetafileDefaultsReplacement MetafileDefaultsReplacement TAG.
MetafileDescription MetafileDescription TAG.
MetafileElementList MetafileElementList TAG.
MetafileVersion MetafileVersion TAG.
MitreLimit EdgeWidth TAG.
NamePrecision NamePrecision TAG.
NoOp NoOp TAG.
PatternIndex PatternIndex TAG.
PatternSize PatternSize TAG.
PatternTable PatternTable TAG.
Polygon Polygon TAG.
PolygonSet PolygonSet TAG.
Polyline Polyline TAG.
Polymarker Polymarker TAG.
RealPrecision RealPrecision TAG.
Rectangle Rectangle TAG.
RestrictedText RestrictedText TAG.
ScalingMode ScalingMode TAG.
SegmentPriorityExtent SegmentPriorityExtent TAG.
Text Text TAG.
TextAlignment TextAlignment TAG.
TextBundleIndex TextBundleIndex TAG.
TextColor TextColor TAG.
TextFontIndex TextFontIndex TAG.
TextPath TextPath TAG.
TextPrecision TextPrecision TAG.
Transparency Transparency TAG.
VDCExtent VDCExtent TAG.
VDCIntegerPrecision VDCIntegerPrecision TAG.
VDCRealPrecision VDCRealPrecision TAG.

Package org.freehep.graphicsio.cgm Description

CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) Output Format.

CGM is a Vector Graphics format, defined by the ISO-IEC-8632-x-1999 standard.

This package provides two low-level writers for CGM files:

and a VectorGraphics implementation:

The current implementation supports Version 1 CGM.

CGM files can be imported by the following applications:

In all these applications both online viewing and printing are supported.

The following limitations exist:

Version v1.1

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