Version v1.1

Package org.freehep.graphics3d

Interactive 3D graphics engine which can either use plain Java or OpenGL.


Interface Summary
DrawableHandler An implementor of this interface, such as a graphics engine, will keep a list of DrawableProviders, each of which it will ask for all its drawables, when the screen needs to be redrawn.
DrawableProvider An implementor of this interface provides a set of drawable objects, to be drawn by a graphics engine

Class Summary
ArcBall Implements an ArcBall.
ArcBallMath Original ArcBall C code from Ken Shoemake, Graphics Gems IV, 1993.
Canvas3D A canvas which handles 3D projections and manipulations with the mouse.
Matrix4 Implementation of a 4x4 matrix.
PanelArtist3D A panel artists which handles 3D projections and manipulations with the mouse.
Polyline3 Implements a 3D (closed)polyline, made up out of points.
Quaternion Keeps a quaternion.
RotationSelectionPanel Implements an ArcBall.
Transform3D Taken from Graphics Gems (page 476 and 770).
Vector3 Keeps a 3 dimensional vector.

Package org.freehep.graphics3d Description

Interactive 3D graphics engine which can either use plain Java or OpenGL.

Version v1.1

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