Version v1.1

Package org.freehep.ant

Extensions to the Ant make/build system (see documentation).


Class Summary
FreeHepAnt Call FreeHep-Ant in a sub-project, which executes as a true sub-ant, without inheriting anything from the super-ant.
FreeHepDefined Checks if a property is defined and executes its target, or throws a message if specified.
FreeHepDelete Extends the standard "jar" task with a few options.
FreeHepExec Executes a given SET OF COMMANDS if the os platform is appropriate.
FreeHepJar Extends the standard "jar" task with a few options.
FreeHepJavac Extends the standard "javac" task with a few options.
FreeHepJavaCC Allows for multiple targets, but no output directory
FreeHepJavadoc Allows for multiple link targets
FreeHepJavah Task to compile javah.
FreeHepJlink Extends the standard "jlink" task with a few options.
FreeHepMain Is a copy of Main, from ANT, but with a public Constructor and runBuild.
FreeHepNotDefined Checks if a property is NOT defined and executes its target, or throws a message if specified.
FreeHepSignJar Extends the standard "signjar" task with a few options.

Package org.freehep.ant Description

Extensions to the Ant make/build system (see documentation).

Version v1.1

Copyright © 2000-2002 FreeHEP, All Rights Reserved.