Release Notes Version: : 1.1 $.
The most recent version of this file is available
Release notes for all versions of CERNLIBAdapter are available
CERNLIBAdapter is a Java adapter for parts of the CERN Program Library CERNLIB. It includes HBOOK and MINUIT.
The CERNLIBAdapter distribution is an extension to the JAIDA library and cannot be used stand-alone.
In future we may distribute a version for stand-alone usage. This would allow Java programmers to use those parts of CERNLIB included in the Adapter.
JAS3 - Java Analysis Studio includes a copy of JAIDA and the CERNLIBAdapter.
This adapter is compatible with version 2003 of CERNLIB, see CERNLIB's ReleaseNotes.
Binaries are available and supported for the following combinations of architectures and compilers:
For a full list of changes in CERNLIBAdapter 3.0.5 see the CERNLIBAdapter change log.
For the CERNLIBAdapter the following documents are useful:
The CERNLIBAdapter is part of the FreeHEP Java Library an "Open Source" library distributed under the terms of the LGPL. If you have questions about the licensing please send a mail to:
Download CERNLIBAdapter for one or more platforms. These distributions overlay on top of each other, adding support for different architectures. The distribution creates the following directory structure:
CERNLIBAdapter-version containing license and release notes CERNLIBAdapter-version/lib containing platform specific directories with libraries (shareable and static)
The current distributions do not contain source files.
To (re-)build CERNLIBAdapter for a particular platform you need to get the source of the FreeHEP library.
Current support for CERNLIBAdapter is only as an add-on to JAIDA.
Current support for CERNLIBAdapter is only as an add-on to JAIDA.
The following limitations exist:
For discussion of features or problems related to CERNLIBAdapter please use the AIDA forum. To report bugs or request enhancements you can also use the CERNLIBAdapter bug database.
Current support for CERNLIBAdapter is only as an add-on to JAIDA. There are currently no examples.