
Parameters for the goal:

Parameter Type Expression Default Value Description
bindings (Optional) List - - Defines what bindings to emit: client, server, serverTIE, all or allTIE. Assumes client if none is specified.
defines (Optional) List - - Equivalent to "#define symbol" in IDL.
emitAll (Optional) boolean ${idlj.emitAll} false Emit all types, including those found in #include files.
includePaths (Optional) List - - Add include paths. By default the current directory is scanned.
keep (Optional) boolean ${idlj.keep} false If a file to be generated already exists, do not overwrite it.
noWarn (Optional) boolean ${idlj.noWarn} false Suppress warning messages.
oldImplBase (Optional) boolean ${idlj.oldImplBase} false Generates skeletons compatible with pre-1.4 JDK ORBs.
pkgPrefixes (Optional) List - - Wherever type is encountered at the file scope, prefix the generated Java package name with prefix for all files generated for that type. The type is the simple name of either a top-level module, or an IDL type defined outside the scope of any module.
pkgTranslates (Optional) List - - Whenever the module type is encountered in an identifier, replace it in the identifier with package for all files in the generated Java package. Note that pkfPrefixes changes are made first. Type is the simple name of either a top-level module, or an IDL type defined outside of any module, and must match the full apckage name exactly.
project MavenProject ${project} - No description.
skeletonNames (Optional) List - - Use xxx%yyy as the pattern for naming the skeletons.
source String - - The idl file.
sourceDirectory String ${basedir}/src/main/idl - The source directory.
staleMillis int ${idlj.staleMillis} 0 The granularity in milliseconds of the last modification date for testing whether a source needs recompilation
targetDirectory String ${} - The target directory into which to generate the output.
tieNames (Optional) List - - Use xxx%yyy as the pattern for naming the ties.
timestampDirectory (Optional) String - - The directory to store the processed .idl files. Defaults to targetDirectory.